What Are Freemasons Wikipedia

Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons that from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of masons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The Freemasons are one of the oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations in the world. Freemasonry is described as a “beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols”. It seeks to promote friendship, morality, and brotherly love among its members. Membership is open to men who profess a belief in God and meet other criteria that vary between Grand Lodges. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that traces its origins back to the medieval stonemasons who built Europe’s great cathedrals and castles. Freemasonry is a worldwide fraternity of men devoted to the philosophical, spiritual, and moral improvement of its members. Its members are often called Masons or Freemasons, and they meet in Masonic lodges to learn more about themselves, their values, and their place in the universe. They also use ritual and symbolism to teach moral lessons and foster good fellowship among its members.

Origin of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organizations. It has its origins in the stonemason guilds of the Middle Ages, which formed to protect their trade secrets and provide members with a sense of brotherhood and mutual support. The earliest known records of Freemasonry date back to the late 16th century, when it emerged in England as a loosely organized group of lodges. From there, it spread throughout Europe and eventually to America. Freemasonry has since grown to become a global phenomenon, with millions of members around the world.

Symbols and Rituals

Freemasonry is known for its elaborate system of symbolism and rituals. Each lodge uses different symbols, but some common ones include the square and compass (representing morality), an altar (representing faith), and a Bible (representing truth). Rituals involve symbolic gestures, such as handshakes or secret words, that are meant to identify members as brethren. There is also an emphasis on moral teachings, which can be found in the ritual ceremonies or lectures given by experienced masons.


At its core, Freemasonry is based on philosophical principles such as truth, justice, brotherly love, and relief. These principles are embodied in the rituals that masons use to recognize one another as brothers. The philosophy behind Freemasonry also includes a commitment to helping others through charitable works. Masons have long been involved in philanthropic activities such as building hospitals or schools.

History of Freemasonry

The history of Freemasonry is complex and often shrouded in mystery. Over time, it has evolved to include different branches or degrees that may include additional teachings or practices not found in more traditional lodges. Despite this evolution, Freemasonry retains much of its original character—a commitment to mutual support among brethren who share similar ideals about morality and service to humanity.

History of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is an ancient and traditional fraternal organization that has been in existence for centuries. It is believed to have originated in England during the late 17th century, although some theories suggest it may have had its origins even earlier. Freemasonry is based on the principles of brotherly love, truth, and relief, and these values are reflected in its rituals and practices. Freemasonry has a rich history that has spread throughout the world, with members from many different backgrounds and beliefs coming together to form one cohesive fraternity. Throughout its long history, Freemasonry has seen a variety of changes and adaptations to suit the needs of its members.

Structure of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is an organization composed of individuals from all walks of life who share a common interest in moral development and self-improvement. The structure of Freemasonry consists of Grand Lodges that oversee the activities of subordinate lodges throughout their respective jurisdictions. Each lodge is composed of a group of Master Masons who meet regularly for business meetings and ritual work. At each lodge, there are officers responsible for conducting the business affairs as well as special officers who oversee the ritual work within their lodge.

Beliefs and Practices of Freemasonry

Freemasons believe in a Supreme Being, whom they refer to as “the Great Architect of the Universe”. They also believe in equality between all men regardless of race or religion, as well as brotherly love towards all humanity. By joining together in fellowship, members strive to improve themselves spiritually and morally according to their own beliefs while also helping others whenever possible. Freemasons practice rituals that emphasize moral development through allegories derived from ancient legends about stonemasons building King Solomon’s Temple. These allegories are used to teach important lessons about morality which can be applied to everyday life.

Freemasonry and Its Degrees

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization with a long and storied history. It is made up of a network of lodges, each of which has its own unique structure and system of degrees. These degrees vary from place to place, but the core principles remain the same: to promote brotherly love, truth, relief, and moral uprightness. Freemasonry has been around for centuries and continues to have an important role in society today.

The first three degrees of Freemasonry are known as Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. These are the core degrees that all Freemasons must attain in order to become a full member. Each degree has its own rituals and symbols that are used to initiate members into the mysteries of Freemasonry.

Each appendant degree has its own unique rituals and symbols that are meant to deepen members’ understanding of Freemasonry and its teachings. Many lodges also offer classes on various Masonic topics such as philosophy and history to help educate their members about their craft.

Freemasonry is an ancient tradition that continues to be practiced by millions around the world today. Its system of degrees offers many opportunities for learning about this fascinating organization’s history and principles. By becoming a member and taking part in its activities one can further their understanding of this venerable institution’s teachings while also making lifelong friends within its ranks.

The History of Masonic Charitable Works

The Freemasons have a long history of charitable works. For centuries, they have provided relief to the needy and the sick, as well as providing education to the young. The Freemasons’ charitable works are among the oldest in existence. The first known Masonic charity was established in 1717, when England’s first Grand Lodge was founded in London. Since then, Freemasonry has been actively involved in a wide range of charitable activities throughout the world.

Masonic Charitable Fund

The Masonic Charitable Fund is an independent charity that supports and administers all of the Masonic charities in England and Wales. It is one of the largest private donors to charitable causes in the United Kingdom. The Fund provides grants to individuals, families and communities in need as well as funding for research into medical conditions and disabilities. In addition, it provides educational scholarships for those wishing to pursue higher education.

Types of Masonic Charitable Works

Masonic charities are involved in a variety of activities. These include providing support to individuals or families who require assistance due to illness or misfortune; providing education opportunities for young people; supporting local community initiatives; and funding medical research into conditions such as cancer or dementia.

Masonic Lodges

Masonic lodges are local branches of Freemasonry which typically meet once a month for dinner and business meetings. During these meetings, members can discuss how best to support their local community through various charitable initiatives such as donating money or time to local charities or volunteering at community events.

Last Thoughts

Masonic charities have been providing relief and assistance to those in need for centuries. Today, they continue this tradition by supporting individuals, families and communities through a variety of charitable activities such as providing financial assistance, educational scholarships and supporting local initiatives. By doing so, they ensure that those who need help most are able to receive it.

Notable Freemasons

Freemasonry is an ancient and honorable fraternity with a long history of service to humanity. Throughout the centuries, many outstanding individuals have been associated with the fraternity, including leaders in government, science, the arts, and other fields. Here are some of the most notable Freemasons throughout history.

George Washington was a prominent figure in the Revolutionary War and first President of the United States. He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1752 and served as master of his lodge for two years. He was also instrumental in creating a national organization of Masonic lodges that went on to become the Grand Lodge of the United States.

John Hancock was an influential leader during the American Revolution and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was initiated into Freemasonry at St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston in 1762 and served as master from 1777 to 1779.

Benjamin Franklin was one of America’s Founding Fathers and an important figure in American history. He joined Freemasonry at St. John’s Lodge in Philadelphia in 1731 and became grand master in Pennsylvania two years later. He also wrote extensively about Masonry, including his famous book The Way to Wealth.

These are just a few notable Freemasons who have contributed significantly to our history and culture. Their legacy continues to this day through their involvement with the fraternity and its principles of brotherhood, charity, and service to others.

Criticism of Freemasonry

Freemasonry has long been a subject of criticism and suspicion by members of the public, religious groups, governments, and even other fraternal organizations. This is due to a variety of factors, such as claims that Freemasonry is actually a religion, that it is incompatible with the teachings of certain religions, and that its members are engaged in activities that are secretive or exclusive. In addition, some critics have accused Freemasons of being elitist or antidemocratic.

The most common criticisms leveled against Freemasonry revolve around the secrecy and exclusivity of its membership. Critics claim that the secrecy surrounding the organization makes it impossible to know what is being discussed or practiced within its ranks. Furthermore, many people believe that Freemasons are more loyal to their organization than to their country or faith, which can lead to conflicts of interest. Additionally, some critics have argued that Freemasonry’s practices are incompatible with certain religious beliefs, although there is no evidence to support this claim.

Another common criticism is that Freemasonry promotes an elitist attitude among its members. This can be seen in the organization’s hierarchical structure and in the manner by which members are required to refer to each other. Critics point out that this type of behavior can be divisive and may lead to individuals feeling superior to others who do not belong to the organization. Additionally, some argue that this exclusivity leads to an atmosphere in which members make decisions based on their own interests rather than those of the general public or larger society.

Therefore, there have been concerns raised about how much influence Freemasonry has over government institutions or other organizations. Critics claim that members may use their positions within these institutions in order to further their own agenda rather than serve the interests of all citizens equally. Although there is no concrete evidence that such activities take place on a widespread basis within Freemasonry, it remains a source of suspicion for many people who view it as an unaccountable power structure with significant influence over important issues.

In reflection, while Freemasonry has long been regarded with suspicion by many people due to its secretive nature and alleged elitism, there is no clear evidence supporting any claims made against it. However, given its history and continued presence in society today, it remains important for all individuals to understand what it stands for and how it operates before making any judgments about its practices or beliefs.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has been around for hundreds of years. It is a society of men and women who come together with shared values and beliefs, such as charity, morality, and brotherly love. Freemasons are known for their secrecy and their unique symbols, which have become associated with their beliefs. The origins of the Freemasons are shrouded in mystery, but they are believed to have originated in medieval Europe as an offshoot of the Knights Templar. Freemasonry has since spread around the world and remains popular today.

History of Women in Freemasonry

Women have been part of the Masonic tradition since its inception, although their involvement has changed over time. In the early days of Freemasonry, women were not allowed to join lodges or take part in Masonic ceremonies. However, during the 19th century, some lodges began to allow women into their ranks as “honorary members” or “associate members”. This allowed women to participate in certain Masonic activities but not obtain full membership status.

Modern Women and Freemasonry

Today, there are many organizations that are exclusive to female Masons or that recognize both men and women as members. These organizations often focus on charitable causes or education initiatives related to Masonry. In addition, many Grand Lodges around the world now fully recognize female Masons as equal members with all rights and privileges that come with full membership status.

The involvement of women in Masonry is a powerful symbol for equality and acceptance within the fraternity. As more female Masons join lodges across the globe, they bring new perspectives and ideas into the fold while helping to ensure it continues to evolve with modern times.

Last Thoughts

Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternity that has been shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Freemasons have been around since the Middle Ages, and they are still a powerful and influential force in society today. The organization has attracted members from many walks of life, including politicians, celebrities, and even royalty. Freemasons have been involved in charitable works, as well as providing social and networking opportunities for its members. Although there is much speculation surrounding Freemasonry, it remains a private organization that does not promote any particular political or religious agenda. Its members are bound together by the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

Freemasonry is an organization with a long history that continues to give back to society in various ways. It attracts people from all walks of life who share a common bond of brotherhood and desire to make the world a better place. There may be some mystery surrounding what goes on behind closed doors at Masonic meetings, but ultimately Freemasonry stands for good works and camaraderie among its members.

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2 thoughts on “What Are Freemasons Wikipedia”

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  2. Masonic lodges are local branches of Freemasonry which typically meet once a month for dinner and business meetings. During these meetings, members can discuss how best to support their local community through various charitable initiatives such as donating money or time to local charities or volunteering at community events.

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