Freemasonry is an ancient fraternal organization that has been around for centuries, and is still popular today. One of the core aspects of Freemasonry is prayer. After a prayer at a Masonic ceremony, it is traditional to say a few words of thanks and appreciation. These words are often referred to as “post-prayer comments” and are typically used to express gratitude for the blessings that have been given. In this article, we will explore what Freemasons traditionally say after a prayer.The Freemason Prayer is a prayer that seeks the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe on Freemasons and their endeavors. It expresses gratitude for the divine guidance and protection that has been given to them, and petitions for continued wisdom, strength, and courage to carry out their Masonic duties with honor. This prayer is an important part of Masonic ritual and ceremony, representing the faith of the individual Mason in a higher power.
Purpose of Freemason Prayer
The purpose of Freemason prayer is to offer supplication and thanksgiving to God for His blessings, to seek His wisdom and guidance, and to promote the spiritual growth of the members. Freemasonry is a system of morality based on religious principles. Praying together helps to remind Masons that they are part of a larger spiritual family and that their lives are intertwined with one another. Through prayer, Masons can nurture their own spiritual development and express their commitment to their highest ideals.
Prayer also serves as an opportunity for the Lodge members to share in common beliefs and values. It reminds them that they are all part of a larger community, connected by a shared faith in God. By uniting together in prayer, Masons can reaffirm their commitment to one another and strengthen the bonds of fellowship within the Lodge.
The prayers used in Masonic lodges typically focus on humility, gratitude, trust in God’s will, reverence for ethical principles, and fidelity to one’s obligations as a Mason. In addition, many Masonic prayers emphasize brotherly love and respect for all humanity. Through prayer, Masons can express their dedication to promoting peace, justice, morality, charity, truthfulness, compassion, and other virtues that are essential for the betterment of society.
Traditional Freemason Prayer Used in Masonic Lodges
The Traditional Freemason Prayer is an important part of any Masonic Lodge ceremony. It is a prayer for divine guidance and protection to be bestowed upon those who are gathered together. The prayer typically asks for the blessing of God to be upon those who are present and those who will follow in the footsteps of Freemasonry. It also requests that the knowledge and wisdom gained from Masonic philosophy be shared with all mankind.
The Traditional Freemason Prayer often begins with an invocation, asking for the presence of God and His mercy upon the lodge members. This is followed by a request for His blessing to be bestowed upon all members, including those who have gone before them as well as those who will come after them. The prayer usually ends with a plea for peace and understanding among all people, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.
In some lodges, the Traditional Freemason Prayer may be spoken aloud by a designated member or read from a book of prayers during the opening ceremony. In other lodges, it may simply be recited silently as part of each member’s individual prayers before they begin their work in the lodge. Regardless of how it is said, however, the Traditional Freemason Prayer serves as a reminder that all members should strive to uphold the highest ideals and principles of Masonry, and that through their education and work they can contribute to making this world better for everyone.
The Traditional Freemason Prayer can take many forms, but its core message remains constant; that we should seek knowledge and understanding through our studies in Masonry so that we can use our wisdom to bring peace and harmony to our world. By praying together at each meeting, members remind themselves that they are part of something greater than themselves; something which will benefit humanity as a whole.
Freemason prayers often begin with expressions of gratitude for the blessings and guidance of a higher power. This can involve thanking God for the physical and spiritual gifts that have been bestowed upon us, or for specific events or occurrences that have taken place. Freemasons also thank God for the knowledge, strength, and courage to live their lives according to the principles of Freemasonry.
The second common element in Freemason prayers is a sense of humility. This involves recognizing one’s humanity and imperfections, as well as acknowledging that any good that comes from our actions is ultimately the result of divine grace. Freemasons also express humility by asking for guidance in understanding and following Masonic teachings and principles.
The third element found in many Masonic prayers is respect. This includes respecting God’s laws and commandments, as well as showing respect for other people regardless of their background or beliefs. Freemasons also express their respect for those who have gone before them in Masonry by asking for their wisdom to be passed on to future generations.
Therefore, many Masonic prayers end with expressions of hope. This can involve hoping that God’s will be done, or hoping that all people will come together in peace and harmony. Freemasons also use this element to express a hope that they may be able to live up to the principles of Masonry in their daily lives.
The Significance of Saying Amen After Freemason Prayer
Saying “Amen” after a Freemason prayer is a meaningful gesture that signifies the acceptance of the prayer by all members of the lodge. It is an acknowledgement by all present that they accept and agree with what has been prayed. By saying “Amen”, everyone in the lodge is showing their solidarity with each other and their commitment to upholding the values of Freemasonry.
The word “Amen” itself has ancient origins and is derived from the Hebrew language. It can be translated to mean “so be it” or “let it be done”. As such, it is an expression of commitment and agreement with what has been said in the prayer. This makes it an important part of any Masonic prayer, as it signifies that everyone present is unified in their beliefs and intentions.
In addition, saying “Amen” is an act of faith and trust in God or a higher power. It shows that those present believe in something greater than themselves, and are willing to open themselves up to whatever divine presence may be guiding them during their prayers. This also serves as a reminder for members that they are part of something larger than themselves–something spiritual–and they should strive to live up to its ideals.
By saying “Amen” after a Masonic prayer, members are affirming their commitment to each other, as well as pledging their loyalty to God or a higher power. It’s an important part of any Masonic ceremony, as it reminds those present why they have gathered together and reinforces their shared values and beliefs.
How Should a Freemason End a Prayer?
A Freemason’s prayer should be ended with a solemn and heartfelt declaration of thanks to the Almighty for His grace and mercy. This should be followed by a request that the Divine will continue to watch over and protect all those present in the lodge, and that He will bestow His blessings upon them. The prayer should conclude with an affirmation of faith and hope in God’s goodness, mercy, and justice. Every Freemason should strive to end his prayer with humility, reverence, and gratitude for the gifts that have been bestowed upon him.
The language used in these closing statements should reflect the solemnity of the occasion and show respect for the divine power that is being invoked. In some lodges, it is customary to end a prayer with an invocation or benediction such as “so mote it be”. This is an ancient phrase that expresses affirmation of faith in God’s will. Other lodges may use more contemporary language such as “Amen” or “May God bless us all.” Whatever phrase is chosen, it should be used to emphasize the reverence for God which must be present in all Masonic prayers.
Can Non-Masons Say the Traditional Freemason Prayer?
The traditional Freemason prayer is a religious invocation used primarily in Masonic ceremonies, and is generally only said by members of the fraternity. However, it is not uncommon for non-Masons to say the prayer during Masonic events. Non-Masons may say the prayer during a public event, such as a dedication ceremony or an anniversary celebration, or as part of a private service. In any case, non-Masons are usually welcome to participate in saying the prayer if they wish to do so.
The traditional Freemason prayer is often used to invoke divine guidance and protection for those taking part in a ceremony and to ask for blessings upon all who are present. It typically begins with praise for God and then petitions God for various blessings or requests, including guidance, help with difficult tasks, comfort in sorrows, and protection from harm. It then ends with words of thanksgiving and appreciation for God’s presence and assistance.
While most non-Masons will not be familiar with the exact wording of the traditional Freemason prayer, they may still be able to participate in saying it if they are willing to learn it beforehand. Non-Masons should also be respectful of any unique traditions associated with this prayer when participating in its recitation at a Masonic event. By joining together with Masons in reciting this prayer at Masonic events, non-Masons can show their respect for the fraternity and its traditions while also expressing their own spiritual beliefs.
Ultimately, whether or not a non-Mason can say the traditional Freemason prayer depends on several factors such as their level of familiarity with its wording and any particular traditions associated with it at an event. However, non-Masons are typically welcomed by Masons to join them in saying this prayer if they wish to do so.
Are There Any Other Versions of the Traditional Freemason Prayer?
The traditional Freemason prayer is a prayer of dedication and devotion to the principles of the fraternity. As with many prayers, there are multiple versions. Some versions are more elaborate than others, but all contain the same underlying message of devotion and commitment to the ideals of Freemasonry.
One version is known as “The Grand Masonic Prayer”, which was first used in 1857 at a convention of Grand Lodges in London. This prayer includes lines such as “Grant that we may be enabled to labor with fidelity and zeal for the advancement of thy glory, and for the benefit of mankind” and “Enable us to practice towards each other that spirit of love which shall make us an example to others”.
Another version is known as “The Grand Architect’s Prayer” which was written around 1773 by Rev. George Oliver, D.D., a prominent English Freemason. This prayer includes lines such as “Send down thy divine grace upon our assemblies; enlighten our minds with knowledge; and fill our hearts with love” and “Help us so to imitate thy divine example, that we may be enabled to do good unto all men”.
Therefore, there is another version known as “The Great Light Prayer” which was written in 1915 by J.F. Newton, a prominent American Freemason and composer. This prayer includes lines such as “May our minds be filled with wisdom from on high; may our hearts be filled with love; may our souls be filled with faith” and “Grant that we may ever be mindful of our duty towards thee, towards one another, and towards all mankind”.
No matter which version is used or recited by a Freemason, they all contain similar messages about devotion to their beliefs and commitment to helping others through their work in the fraternity.
Last Thoughts
At the end of a Freemason prayer, the members of the lodge usually respond with certain phrases or words, such as “so mote it be,” “amen,” or “all hail.” These words have been used by Masons throughout the centuries to show their agreement with the sentiment expressed in the prayer. The response also serves as a reminder that all Freemasons are part of a larger community and should strive to uphold its values.
The words which follow a Freemason prayer vary depending on the lodge and its tradition. However, all Masons agree that these words serve an important purpose, and should be said with reverence and respect.
In reflection, Freemasons use certain phrases after their prayers as a sign of unity and agreement among members of their lodge. These words are typically chanted with respect and reverence, showing that they take their beliefs seriously. In this way, Freemasonry can be seen as an important part of any community, uniting people from diverse backgrounds together in a shared set of ideals and values.
The third element found in many Masonic prayers is respect. This includes respecting God’s laws and commandments, as well as showing respect for other people regardless of their background or beliefs. Freemasons also express their respect for those who have gone before them in Masonry by asking for their wisdom to be passed on to future generations.