Knights Templar Middlesex

The Knights Templar Middlesex is an international fraternal and benevolent organization, dedicated to the upholding of the highest ideals of chivalry, courage, honor, loyalty and patriotism. Founded in 1872 in London, England by a group of Christian knights, it is open to all men and women of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. The Order is based on the ancient medieval order of the Knights Templar, formed during the Crusades to protect pilgrims travelling to and from Jerusalem. The Middlesex branch was formed as part of a wave of expansion from London which saw branches being established all over Britain and beyond. Today we remain true to our founding principles. Our members are dedicated to helping those in need, both at home and abroad; while promoting friendship, compassion and understanding among our members. The Knights Templar Middlesex are a Masonic Lodge founded in London, England in 1743. They are the oldest English Masonic Lodge and have a rich and interesting history. The Lodge was founded by eight Freemasons who were known as the “Apostles” of the Order. It is believed that the original members were all Freemasons who had been members of a Masonic lodge in Bordeaux, France.

The original goals of the Knights Templar Middlesex were to provide an opportunity for Freemasons to meet and discuss topics of interest in a social setting. As with other Masonic Lodges, they also wished to promote morality and good character through their teachings. They also desired to engage in charitable works that would benefit their local communities.

In 1813, the Lodge became part of the Grand Lodge of England, and began to meet regularly at its own premises at what is now known as Great Queen Street in London. The Lodge has continued to thrive since then, although it has been subject to periods of decline throughout its history due to various external factors such as wars and economic depressions. The Lodge is still active today, with around 800 members from around the world meeting regularly for meetings and other activities.


The Knights Templar were a religious and military order founded in the 12th century. The Templars were formed to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land and to defend Christianity against Islamic forces. The order was active for two centuries before its dissolution in 1312. Despite their short existence, the Templars left a lasting legacy and have been the subject of countless books, films, and games. In this article, we will look at the origins of the Knights Templar and how they became one of the most powerful orders in medieval Europe.

Founding of the Order

The Knights Templar were founded in 1119 by a French knight named Hugues de Payens. He was joined by seven other knights who had all taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Together they established a monastic house near Jerusalem which was dedicated to protecting Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. The knights soon earned a reputation for their bravery and were welcomed into many cities in Outremer (the Crusader states).

Recognition from Royalty

In 1127 King Baldwin II formally recognised the Order by granting them quarters within his palace in Jerusalem. This allowed for greater visibility and resources for the Templars which enabled them to expand their operations throughout Europe. By 1139 Pope Innocent II officially endorsed their mission which granted them additional privileges such as tax exemptions from various countries.

Military Expansion

With increased recognition from royalty and papal authority, the Templars began to expand their operations beyond just protecting pilgrims. They became a powerful military force that was capable of taking on both Islamic forces as well as other Christian armies that stood in opposition to Outremer. By 1191 they had established numerous castles throughout Palestine which allowed them to effectively control large swathes of land.

Wealth & Power

The success of the Templars led to immense wealth and power as they began receiving donations from wealthy individuals throughout Europe who wanted to support their cause. This allowed them to finance large-scale building projects such as castles, cathedrals, churches as well as financing campaigns against Islamic forces. By 1305 they had become so wealthy that they even loaned money to Philip IV of France who used it to finance his wars against England.

Dissolution of the Order

By 1307 Philip IV had grown jealous of the wealth and power held by the Templars so he accused them of heresy and corruption, leading him ultimately ordering their arrest on October 13th 1312. This led to the dissolution of one of Europe’s most powerful orders after only two centuries since its founding.

Last Thoughts:
Despite only existing for two centuries, The Knights Templar left an indelible mark on history due its immense wealth and power during that time period as well as its legacy being carried on through books, films, games etc.. Their story is one that has captivated people for centuries with its intrigue and mystery surrounding it.

The Crusades

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between the Christians and Muslims for control over the holy land. The Crusades began in 1095 and lasted until 1291, with a total of eight major crusading expeditions. The main objective of the crusades was to regain control of the holy city of Jerusalem from the Seljuk Turks. During this period, many Christian knights and warriors joined together to form military orders, such as the Knights Templar, which were devoted to protecting Christian pilgrims and warriors during their travels to the Holy Land.

The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were one of the most powerful military orders in Medieval Europe. They were formed in 1119 by nine French knights led by Hugues de Payens, who dedicated themselves to protecting Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Over time, the Templars grew in power and influence, becoming one of the most wealthy and influential religious orders in Europe. They also played a major role in helping fund various crusading expeditions during this period. In 1307, however, they were disbanded by King Philip IV of France after being accused of heresy.

The Role of the Knights Templar in Middlesex England

The Knights Templar were a religious military order that was founded in 1118, and originally based in Jerusalem. They were tasked with protecting pilgrims as they travelled to the Holy Land. The order spread to England in 1128, and became particularly influential in Middlesex, a county located to the northwest of London. The Knights Templar had a significant role to play in the area, providing protection for churches and monasteries, as well as aiding the local people through charitable works.

In Middlesex, the Knights Templar mainly operated out of their preceptory at High Wycombe, which was founded in 1162. The Templars also had numerous other properties throughout Middlesex, including land at Chalfont St. Giles, Iver and Edgware. These estates provided them with much needed financial support, allowing them to carry out their charitable works with greater ease.

The main charitable activities of the Templars included providing alms for the poor and sick, offering shelter to pilgrims travelling through the region and funding religious institutions such as churches and monasteries. They also ran schools which taught both religious instruction and basic skills such as reading and writing.

The Templars were also responsible for providing protection against bandits who preyed upon pilgrims travelling through Middlesex on their way to Jerusalem. This meant that they had an important role in maintaining law and order throughout the region. In addition to this they also provided military assistance during times of conflict or crisis, such as when King John attempted to take control of the area during his reign (1215-1217).

Overall it is clear that the Knights Templar played an important role in Middlesex during medieval times. They provided both physical protection for those travelling through the area as well as much needed charity for local people who were living in poverty or suffering from illness or disability. Their presence ensured that law and order remained intact within the region while also helping to spread Christianity throughout England during this period.

Origin and Early Days

The Knights Templar were a religious order of knights formed in the 12th century. They were founded by French nobleman Hugh de Payens and eight other knights who took a vow to protect pilgrims on their journey to the Holy Land. The order was recognized by the Pope in 1129, and officially became known as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. This marked the beginning of their rise to prominence, and they quickly gained wealth, power, and influence throughout Europe. They established a network of monasteries, castles, and fortresses across Europe, as well as an efficient financial system that allowed them to lend money to those in need.

Military Campaigns

The Templars played a major role in the Crusades throughout the 12th and 13th centuries. They were among the first to arrive in Jerusalem during the First Crusade, where they established their headquarters at what is now known as “the Temple Mount.” From there, they fought alongside Christian forces against Muslim armies in various parts of Asia Minor and Palestine. During these campaigns, they gained extra wealth through looting enemy strongholds and successfully utilized innovative military tactics that helped them gain victories against seemingly insurmountable odds.


The Templars’ power began to decline after several military defeats during the latter half of the 13th century. In addition, disputes with other religious orders caused their influence to dwindle even further. Their fortunes changed for good when King Philip IV of France accused them of heresy in 1307. He pressured Pope Clement V into disbanding them in 1312, after which many Templars were arrested and executed. Although some escaped punishment by fleeing abroad or joining rival orders such as the Hospitallers or Teutonic Knights, their numbers never recovered from this blow and eventually faded into obscurity.

Grand Masters of the Knights Templar Middlesex

The Grand Masters of the Knights Templar Middlesex were the top-ranking military leaders of the Order of the Temple, a medieval Christian religious and military order. The Order was founded in 1118 and based in Jerusalem, but eventually spread across Europe and even to the British Isles. The Grand Master held overall command of all Templar forces in the region and was responsible for leading them in battle. The position was hereditary; each Grand Master had a son or other relative who would succeed him upon his death.

The first Grand Master of the Knights Templar Middlesex was Hugh de Payens, who served from 1129 to 1136. He was succeeded by Robert de Craon, who served from 1136 to 1147, and then by Gilbert Erail, who served from 1147 to 1151. William des Barres followed him as Grand Master from 1151 to 1160. He was succeeded by Andre de Montbard, who held the position from 1160 to 1171, followed by Everard des Barres from 1171 to 1193.

The next Grand Master was Robert de Sablé, who served from 1193 until his death in 1202. He was followed by Philip de Plessis-Mornay, who held the position until 1217 when he resigned due to ill health. After that, there were several short-term appointments until 1230 when William des Roches became Grand Master for a period of seven years before his death in 1237. He was succeeded by Enguerrand de Monstrelet (1237-1250), Robert de Sable (1250-1256), Thomas Bérard (1256-1273), Peter de Montaigu (1273-1307) and Therefore William de Beaujeu (1307-1314).

These men were some of the most important figures in the history of medieval Europe and played an integral role in shaping its political landscape during their lifetimes. As such they remain an enduring symbol of courage and dedication even today.

Symbolism Associated with the Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were a religious and military order that existed in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Crusades. They have become known for their bravery and loyalty to their faith, as well as their secretive nature. As such, they have come to be associated with a number of symbols that reflect these qualities. One of the most commonly seen symbols associated with the Templars is the cross. This is likely due to their strong Christian beliefs and faith in God, which was reflected in the design of their emblem. The cross also has other more practical meanings, such as being a symbol of protection against enemies and danger.

Another symbol that is often associated with the Knights Templar is the fleur-de-lis. This symbol was used by the Templars on their flags and banners to represent purity and chastity. It was also used in some instances as a symbol of divine protection from God. In addition to this, it can be seen on many of their artifacts and monuments, including churches, castles and other relics from their time period.

The lion is another significant symbol when it comes to the Knights Templar. This animal was chosen as a representation of strength and courage; qualities which were highly valued by the Templars during their time period. The lion is also sometimes seen alongside other animals such as eagles or dragons in various depictions, which can represent different aspects of power or strength depending on context.

Therefore, there are certain numbers that have become associated with the Knights Templar due to certain events that occurred during their lifetime. For example, nine is often seen as a number connected to them because it was believed by some that they had nine founders at one point in history. Additionally, thirteen has been adopted by many modern day organizations inspired by the Templars due to its association with unity and solidarity among members – something that was highly valued by this organization during its existence in Middlesex area many centuries ago.

Legacy of the Knights Templar

The legacy of the Knights Templar is an important part of European history. The knights were a religious military order founded in the 11th century, with the purpose of protecting pilgrims and Christian holy sites in the Holy Land during the Crusades. The order was active until 1312, when it was disbanded by Pope Clement V. Despite their brief existence, their impact on history is undeniable.

The Knights Templar were renowned for their bravery and skill in battle, and they gained a great deal of wealth and power over time. They founded many castles and monasteries, and even created their own banking system. This allowed them to finance various religious and charitable activities throughout Europe.

Their influence was also felt in other areas, such as literature, architecture, and politics. Their unique style of architecture can be seen in many churches throughout Europe, while their tales have been immortalized in literature such as Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe. Politically, they played an important role in shaping medieval Europe, particularly through their involvement in the Crusades.

The legacy of the Knights Templar continues to this day. Many modern organizations have adopted aspects of their history and traditions for use in Freemasonry rituals or other fraternal orders. In addition, many books have been written about them over the centuries which seek to explore the mysteries that still surround them.

Middlesex is home to some significant sites associated with the Knights Templar that are open to visitors today. These include Temple Church in London – which was built by them – as well as a number of other sites that may have been associated with them during their time in England. Exploring these places can help bring to life some of the incredible stories from this fascinating period of European history.

Last Thoughts

The Knights Templar Middlesex represents an important chapter in the history of England. The order was founded by Hugh de Payens in London in 1185 and soon became a powerful force whose members were devoted to protecting the rights and interests of the Church. The Templars were a religious order that combined military might with piety, and lived a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience to God. They established a network of monasteries across Europe and had a significant influence on the history of Christianity.

The Templars’ end came when they were disbanded in 1312, but their legacy lives on today. Their influence is still visible in many aspects of life, from architecture to banking. Their story is one of courage and faith, and it serves as an inspiring example for us all.

Today, the Knights Templar Middlesex continues to be an active organization dedicated to preserving the memory of its predecessors. Through events like pilgrimages to Templar sites around the world, they help keep alive the spirit of their ancestors and remind us all that we can use our faith to make a difference in this world.

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