How Many Freemason Lodges In The Us

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most widely practiced fraternal organizations in the United States. Freemasonry has been around since 1717 and has a rich history of providing charitable works to communities and promoting brotherhood among its members. It has been estimated that there are over two thousand Freemason lodges in the United States, with some estimates putting that number even higher. Each lodge is unique in its own way, providing different activities and services for its members depending on the area’s needs. In this article, we will explore how many Freemason lodges there are in the U.S., what makes them unique, and what services they provide to their members and communities. There are approximately 6,400 Masonic lodges in the United States, according to the Masonic Service Association of North America. Each lodge is a local unit of Freemasonry and may vary in size and membership.

Total Number of Freemason Lodges in the US

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has been around for centuries. It is estimated that there are over 1.1 million members of the Freemasons in the United States, making it one of the largest fraternal organizations in the world. With such a large number of members, it’s not surprising that there are also a large number of Freemason lodges located throughout the country. The exact number varies depending on who you ask, but estimates suggest that there are over 12,000 Masonic lodges in the United States alone.

Masonic lodges can be found in every state and territory, with the most populous states having hundreds of lodges located within their borders. California has one of the highest numbers with over 500 lodges, closely followed by Texas and Florida who have over 400 each. Other states like New York and Pennsylvania have around 300 each while smaller states tend to have fewer than 100 each.

These figures show just how much influence Freemasonry has had on American culture and history since its inception in 1717. Despite its long history, it is still going strong today and continues to attract new members from all walks of life who share a common interest in moral values and service to their communities. With over 12,000 Masonic lodges spread across the US, it’s no wonder why so many people are drawn to this unique fraternal organization.

State-by-State Breakdown of Freemason Lodges in the US

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most well-known fraternal organizations in the world. With a presence in almost every corner of the globe, it is no surprise that Freemasons have a strong presence in the United States. The United States is home to hundreds of lodges, each with its own unique history and traditions. In this article, we will take a look at the state-by-state breakdown of Freemason lodges in the US.

In total, there are more than two thousand Masonic lodges across all 50 states and several territories. These lodges operate under various Grand Lodges, depending on their location. Each Grand Lodge is an independent body that governs its own jurisdiction, which may include multiple states or even countries. For example, The Grand Lodge of California operates several lodges throughout California and Nevada.

The state with the most Masonic lodges is Texas, with over 400 active lodges. This is followed by California with approximately 300 lodges, and New York with around 250 lodges. Other states with a large number of Masonic lodges include Pennsylvania (over 200), Florida (over 150), and Illinois (around 140).

The remaining states have anywhere from one to more than 70 active Masonic lodges each. Some highlights include Alaska (19), Arkansas (60), Colorado (70), Maine (22), Missouri (64), Nevada (36), New Mexico (17) Virginia (83) and Wyoming (8).

Whether you are looking for fellowship or just curious about what goes on inside a Masonic lodge, there are plenty of options available across all 50 states in the United States. If you’re interested in learning more about Freemasonry or locating a lodge near you, be sure to check out your local Grand Lodge’s website for more information!

Benefits of Joining a Freemason Lodge in the US

Joining a Freemason Lodge in the US can bring many advantages to individuals looking for a sense of community and camaraderie. Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternal organizations in the world, and membership has been growing steadily over the years. Becoming a member of such an organization comes with numerous benefits, including access to a network of other like-minded individuals, educational opportunities, and charitable activities. Here are some of the key benefits that come with becoming a member of a Freemason Lodge in the US.

One of the primary benefits is access to an extensive social network. Freemasonry is based on principles that promote brotherhood and friendship among its members, so joining a lodge can provide an opportunity to meet new people and build meaningful relationships with them. This can be beneficial for professional networking as well as personal growth. Additionally, members have access to exclusive meetings and events that are not available to non-members, which provide excellent opportunities for building relationships.

Another benefit is educational opportunities. Freemasonry encourages its members to continuously strive for improvement and advancement through education, both academically and spiritually. Lodges often offer lectures, classes, seminars, workshops, readings, and other activities designed to further deepen knowledge on various topics related to Masonry such as history, philosophy, ethics, leadership development, public speaking skills etc.

Therefore, becoming part of a Masonic lodge provides access to charitable activities. Most lodges are heavily involved in philanthropic work within their local communities such as raising funds for charity or providing aid during natural disasters or other difficult times. Members have the opportunity to put their beliefs into action by helping others in need.

In reflection, joining a Freemason Lodge in the US offers many advantages in terms of socializing with like-minded individuals; gaining educational opportunities; and participating in charitable activities that make an impact on society as a whole. It’s easy to see why membership has been growing steadily over recent years – if you’re looking for an organization that will provide these types of benefits then joining a Masonic lodge may be just what you’re looking for!


Freemasonry, or simply Masonry, is an international fraternal organization that traces its roots to the medieval stonemasons’ guilds. Freemasonry has been around since the 1700s, and it continues to be one of the most influential fraternal orders in the United States. In this article, we will take a look at the history of Freemason Lodges in the US. We will discuss how Masonry came to America, its growth throughout the country, and its importance in American society.

The Arrival of Freemasonry in America

Masonry first arrived in America with British settlers during the 1600s. The first lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1730 by Benjamin Franklin and other prominent Americans. This lodge was called St John’s Lodge No 1, and it is still active today. Over time, lodges began to pop up throughout the country as more and more people became interested in Masonry. By 1776, there were over 100 Masonic lodges spread across 13 colonies.

Growth of Masonry

Masonry continued to grow throughout the 18th and 19th centuries as more people became aware of its existence and joined its ranks. In 1825 there were nearly 1,000 lodges nationwide, and by 1860 that number had grown to over 2,500 lodges. This growth was largely due to immigration from Europe; many immigrants from Britain and other countries brought their knowledge of Masonry with them when they settled in America.

Role of Freemasonry

Freemasonry has played an important role in American history since its inception. Many Founding Fathers were members of Masonic Lodges; George Washington was a member of Alexandria Lodge No 22 in Virginia and Benjamin Franklin was a member of St John’s Lodge No 1. Additionally, many Masonic Lodges served as important meeting places for revolutionaries during the American Revolution.

Last Thoughts

Freemasonry has been an important part of American life since its arrival on these shores centuries ago. From humble beginnings with just one lodge established by Benjamin Franklin, Masonry has grown into a powerful fraternal order with thousands of lodges across the country. While much has changed since then, Masonry remains an integral part of American culture today.

Famous Members of Freemasonry in the US

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most influential fraternal organizations in the world. It has a rich history filled with influential figures, many of whom have left their mark on the United States. Here are some of the most famous members of Freemasonry in the US.

George Washington was one of America’s Founding Fathers and its first President. He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1752 at the age of 20 and rose through its ranks to become a Grand Master Mason by 1799. He was an avid supporter of Freemasonry throughout his life and served as Grand Master for Virginia from 1788 to 1799.

Mark Twain was an American author, humorist, and lecturer who is best remembered for his classic works such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain was initiated into Freemasonry at Polar Star Lodge No. 79 in St Louis, Missouri in 1861 at the age of 25 and became a Master Mason two years later.

Benjamin Franklin is perhaps one of America’s most well-known figures, having had a hand in drafting both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. In addition to this impressive political career, Franklin was also an active member of Freemasonry, joining a lodge in Philadelphia in 1731 at age 24. He served as Grand Master for Pennsylvania between 1734 and 1749 before going on to become Grand Master for all North America from 1781 until his death in 1790.

John Hancock was another Founding Father who was deeply involved with Freemasonry during his lifetime. Hancock joined St Andrew’s Lodge in Boston back in 1760 when he was only 22 years old. He quickly rose through its ranks to become Grand Master for Massachusetts from 1777 to 179091, making him one of America’s earliest leaders to serve as such within a Masonic lodge.

Theodore Roosevelt is perhaps best known for being America’s 26th President but he also had an impressive career within Freemasonry after joining Matinecock Lodge No 806 in Oyster Bay, New York back in 1901 at age 43. Roosevelt held various positions within several lodges during his lifetime including serving as Most Worshipful Grandmaster for New York between 1903 and 1905 before becoming Deputy Grandmaster General for all North America from 1905 until his death 1910.

These are just some examples from a long list that includes many other famous Masons such as Harry S Truman, James Garfield, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, John Marshall, Albert Pike and many more who have made their mark on history through their membership with this ancient organization.

Opening and Closing Rituals

Freemasons conduct several rituals when opening and closing a Lodge, both of which are designed to acknowledge the presence of the Supreme Being. When opening the Lodge, a member known as the Senior Warden will recite an invocation, while the Junior Warden will read a prayer. After this, all members will recite a pledge to their brothers and sisters in Freemasonry. When closing the Lodge, members will recite an obligation pledging themselves to secrecy and honesty. This is followed by a prayer for guidance and protection.

Initiation Rituals

When new members are initiated into Freemasonry, they must undergo certain rituals that symbolically represent their commitment to the craft. During these rituals, they are asked to take an oath before being presented with a white leather apron that symbolizes purity of character. They are also given three symbolic tools – a gavel, square, and level – each of which represents different qualities that they should strive for as Freemasons.

Degree Ceremonies

In order to progress through Freemasonry’s three degrees – Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason – members must go through degree ceremonies which involve further rituals. These ceremonies often include lectures from higher-ranking members on various topics such as morality and ethics. The goal is to instill in new members the values that form the foundation of Freemasonry.

Other Common Rituals

There are other common rituals performed at Freemason Lodges such as feasts where members gather for dinner or drinks in order to socialize with one another. There are also special ceremonies for important Masonic events such as the installation of new officers or commemorations of famous Masons. Therefore, there is often ritualistic music played during meetings such as hymns or Masonic marches.

Finding a Local Freemason Lodge in Your Area

Freemasonry is one of the oldest fraternal organizations in the world, and its members can be found in almost every country. The organization is dedicated to helping its members become better citizens and to promote fellowship and friendship. If you are interested in joining a Freemason lodge, there are several steps you can take to find one near you.

First, search online for local Freemason lodges in your area. Most lodges have websites or social media pages that list their contact information and meeting times. You can also search for Masonic organizations in your area through local newspapers or directories. Additionally, many Masonic organizations have their own Facebook or Twitter pages that can help you locate a lodge near you.

You can also ask family members or friends if they know of any local Freemason lodges. Many people who belong to Masonic organizations have been part of the group for years, and may be able to provide you with valuable information about how to become a member and where the lodge is located. Additionally, some churches may also offer referral services for finding nearby lodges.

Once you’ve located a lodge near you, it’s important to research it thoroughly before applying for membership. Be sure to read up on the organization’s history and values so that you can determine if it is right for you. Additionally, research the lodge itself—make sure it has an active membership base and operates according to Freemasonry rules and regulations.

Therefore, when applying for membership at a local Freemason lodge, make sure to bring all of the necessary documentation with you—you may need proof of your identity or other documents in order to be accepted as a member. Also keep in mind that there is usually an initiation process involved with joining a Masonic organization; this process typically involves memorization of certain passages from ancient texts as well as other tests of knowledge and commitment before being accepted into the organization.

When done correctly, finding a local Freemason lodge can be an incredibly rewarding experience—one that will allow you to make connections with like-minded individuals while learning more about this fascinating fraternal organization’s history and values.

Last Thoughts

The number of Freemason lodges in the US is estimated to be around 2,000. However, exact numbers vary from state to state. Some states have a larger presence of Freemasonry than others. Additionally, some Freemason lodges have more than one location making it difficult to estimate the exact number of lodges. Nonetheless, Freemasonry is still a thriving organization in the US with a strong network of members and lodges.

There are many benefits that being a part of the Freemasons provides, such as fellowship, charity work, and educational opportunities. It is an organization devoted to helping its members grow and develop spiritually and intellectually. Joining a lodge can be a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and build lifelong friendships.

Freemasonry is an age-old tradition that continues to provide an important service to its members today. If you are looking for an opportunity to connect with other individuals and help your community, then becoming a Freemason might be right for you.


1 thought on “How Many Freemason Lodges In The Us”

  1. One of the primary benefits is access to an extensive social network. Freemasonry is based on principles that promote brotherhood and friendship among its members, so joining a lodge can provide an opportunity to meet new people and build meaningful relationships with them. This can be beneficial for professional networking as well as personal growth. Additionally, members have access to exclusive meetings and events that are not available to non-members, which provide excellent opportunities for building relationships.

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