What Does A Freemason Mean

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization which traces its origins to the medieval stonemasons’ guilds and has been in existence for centuries. Freemasonry is a fraternity that promotes moral and spiritual values through symbolism, ritual and fellowship. Its members are known as Freemasons, and they meet in Lodges to take part in ceremonies, discuss philosophy and conduct charitable work. Freemasonry is open to all men who believe in a Supreme Being. The goal of Freemasonry is to promote a system of morality based on universal principles such as brotherly love, relief, truth and justice. Freemasons strive to make good men better by teaching them the principles of morality, truth, justice and charity through the use of symbols, allegories and ritual. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of masons and their interaction with authorities and employers. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around five million, including approximately 150,000 in Scotland and Ireland, over a quarter of a million under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England and just under two million in the United States. The various local Masonic Lodges operate under the authority of Grand Lodges, which govern Freemasonry in a particular country, state or region.

Origins of the Freemasonry

The origins of the Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery and debate. It is believed that the organization was founded in London, England in 1717, when four lodges gathered together to form what is now known as the Grand Lodge of England. The organization has since spread to many other countries across the globe.

Freemasonry is a society of men who unite for the purpose of promoting morality and brotherly love among its members. It is based on a system of moral and spiritual values which include fidelity, integrity and justice. The organization is also known for its charitable works and community service projects.

Freemasons trace their roots back to ancient societies that focused on self-improvement through philosophical study, moral guidance and enlightenment. They believe in a Supreme Being or Grand Architect of the Universe, whom they refer to as “the Great Architect” or “the Grand Architect”. Many Masons also believe that their membership in the fraternity brings them closer to God and provides a means for them to serve Him better.

Freemasonry has been around for centuries, but its exact origin remains unknown. Some theories suggest that it has its roots in medieval stonemasonry guilds, while others propose that it was established by medieval knights or crusaders who vowed to uphold certain moral codes during times of war. Still others suggest links between Freemasonry and early secret societies such as Rosicrucianism or the Knights Templar.

No matter its exact origin, Freemasonry has become one of the oldest fraternal organizations in existence today. In addition to fostering brotherhood among its members, it promotes principles such as charity, integrity and respect for all people regardless of race or religion. Through its rituals and ceremonies, members are reminded to live up to these ideals on a daily basis.

Purpose of Freemasonry

The purpose of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences. Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Through its rituals and symbolism, Freemasonry seeks to remind its members of their duties to God, family, country and each other. It also provides an environment in which members can develop friendship and camaraderie with others who share similar values. By promoting these qualities among its members, Freemasonry strives to improve the character of each man and make him a better citizen.

In addition to providing fellowship and moral guidance, many Masonic lodges also participate in charitable activities that benefit the community at large. Through various programs such as blood drives, scholarships for students and donations to local charities, Masonic lodges are able to extend their reach beyond the membership of their lodge.

Freemasonry also serves as a platform for members to express their personal beliefs without fear of judgment or retribution. Each individual Mason is free to practice his own religion without interference from other Masons or the Order itself. This allows for men from different religious backgrounds who share similar values to come together in mutual support and understanding.

In summary, the purpose of Freemasonry is twofold: it seeks to bring like-minded men together in fellowship while encouraging them to lead lives based on moral principles that will benefit both themselves and their communities.

Who Can Join Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is an organization open to men aged 21 and over who believe in a Supreme Being and meet the qualifications of each individual Lodge. In order to join, one must be of good character, have a belief in a Supreme Being, and be recommended by two current members of the Lodge. Freemasons are encouraged to practice the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

The requirements to become a Freemason vary depending on the jurisdiction or Grand Lodge one wishes to join. Generally speaking, any man who is of legal age and believes in a Supreme Being may join the fraternity. Furthermore, he must demonstrate good moral character and be able to pass a background check.

In some jurisdictions, it may also be required that candidates for initiation into Freemasonry have at least one blood relative who is already a member of the fraternity. Although this requirement has become less common in recent years, there are still some Grand Lodges that enforce it.

Applicants must also have a good reputation among their peers and within their community. This means that they must not have committed any serious crimes or been involved in any other activity that could bring discredit upon the fraternity or its members. Additionally, applicants should possess qualities such as self-improvement, charity work and respect for religious beliefs in order to be accepted into the organization.

Once an applicant has met all of these requirements they will complete an application form before being accepted into Freemasonry as a “candidate” for initiation into the fraternity. After being accepted as a candidate they will then proceed through various stages of initiation rituals before officially becoming a “Mason” or “Freemason”.

The Symbols and Significance of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is an ancient fraternal order that has existed for centuries. It is a system of moral and spiritual teachings based on symbolic figures, rites, and rituals. The symbols and significance of Freemasonry are deeply intertwined with its history and philosophy. Freemasons use symbols to communicate ideas, beliefs, and values, as well as to identify themselves as members of the fraternity.

The most well-known symbol of Freemasonry is the compass and square. This symbol represents the two fundamental principles of Freemasonry: brotherly love and relief. The compass symbolizes brotherly love because it encourages Masons to help each other in times of need. The square stands for relief because it signifies justice, fairness, and morality. These two symbols are often used together to represent the fraternity’s core values.

Other symbols used in Freemasonry include the all-seeing eye, the hourglass, the beehive, and the seven-pointed star or heptagram. The all-seeing eye is a reminder for Masons to be vigilant in their moral behaviour and is often seen watching over them from above. The hourglass is a symbol of mortality; it serves as a reminder that life is fleeting and that one should make good use of their time on Earth. The beehive reminds Masons to work together in harmony; it also stands for industry, progress, organisation, unity, cooperation, diligence and efficiency – all important qualities that Masons strive for in their lives . Therefore, the seven-pointed star or heptagram is a symbol of knowledge; it encourages Masons to seek knowledge through education and self-improvement.

Freemasonry also uses colour symbolism as part of its rituals; blue represents loyalty while white stands for purity. Red symbolises energy while black stands for death or initiation into the mysteries – colours which can often be seen during Masonic ceremonies or when wearing Masonic regalia such as aprons or sashes.

The symbols used by freemasons have deep meaning behind them which can only truly be understood by those who are initiated into the order itself – but they serve as both signs of identification between members (and potential members) alike as well as reminders to stay true to their ideals: brotherly love towards one another with justice at its core combined with seeking knowledge through education and self-improvement with humility at its heart.

A Sense of Belonging

Freemasonry is an organization that is open to men of all faiths and backgrounds, providing a sense of belonging and camaraderie to its members. Through Freemasonry, men are able to form strong bonds based on shared values and goals. With a membership base spanning nearly every corner of the globe, members are able to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Moral Development

Freemasonry is an organization dedicated to helping its members achieve personal growth through moral development. Through meetings, lectures, and rituals, members are exposed to lessons in morality such as charity, integrity, justice, honesty, and courage. These lessons not only help members make better decisions in their daily life, but also equip them with the tools needed to become better citizens for their communities.

Networking Opportunities

Freemasonry provides an opportunity for members to network with other like-minded individuals within their community or even around the world. Through Freemasonry’s many lodges and groups, members can easily find potential business partners or colleagues that can help further their career aspirations or even provide valuable advice for any number of personal projects.


Freemasons are well-known for their commitment to philanthropy and charity work. Every year Freemasons donate millions of dollars to charitable causes both locally and internationally. By joining Freemasonry, individuals gain access to a variety of philanthropic opportunities that allow them to make a positive impact on their community while providing support for those in need.

Leadership Skills

Membership in Freemasonry provides individuals with unique opportunities for leadership development. By taking part in Masonic ceremonies or being appointed as officers within lodges or other Masonic organizations, members are able to hone their leadership skills while gaining invaluable experience in public speaking and organizational management.

Established Practices in a Lodge Meeting

The established practices in a lodge meeting are those that have been agreed upon and accepted by the members of the lodge. These practices are usually set out in the bylaws or constitution of the lodge and should be followed by all members to ensure a smooth and successful meeting. Generally, these practices include: having an agenda for each meeting; conducting the meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order; appointing officers for specific duties; electing members to office; taking roll call; allowing debate on motions and amendments; voting on motions; tabling motions for future consideration; and closing the meeting with a prayer.

The agenda is important because it sets out what will be discussed at the meeting and gives everyone present an idea of what will take place. The presiding officer should make sure that all items on the agenda are addressed during the course of the meeting. Robert’s Rules of Order are also important as they provide a structure for how meetings should proceed, including how to debate motions, when to vote, and how to handle parliamentary procedure.

Officers should be appointed at each meeting so that tasks can be delegated out among members. This could include appointing a secretary or treasurer who would have specific duties such as taking minutes or keeping track of financial matters. When electing members to office, it is important to ensure that candidates meet all requirements for eligibility before casting their votes. Taking roll call allows the presiding officer to know who is present at any given time and allows him/her to properly address any issues that may arise in the course of discussion.

When debating motions or amendments, it is important for all members present to have an equal opportunity to voice their opinions and objections before voting takes place. Voting on motions should always take place by secret ballot in order to protect against any coercion or intimidation from other members. At times, some motions may need further deliberation which can be done by tabling them until a later date when more information can be gathered or discussed. The closing prayer is typically held after all business has been addressed so that thanks can be given for all those present as well as for any decisions made during the course of discussion.

The Three Degrees of Masonic Membership

The Three Degrees of Masonic Membership are the cornerstone of Freemasonry. The three degrees, which are Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, form the basis for the philosophy and teachings of the fraternity.

The Entered Apprentice Degree is the first degree that a man can receive when he joins a lodge. This degree teaches candidates about the basic principles of Freemasonry such as brotherly love, relief, and truth. It also ensures that each member is thoroughly versed in the traditions and regulations of Freemasonry.

The Fellow Craft Degree is an advancement from the Entered Apprentice Degree. In this degree, a candidate is taught more advanced principles such as morality and ethics as well as further instruction in Masonic rituals and ceremonies.

The Master Mason Degree is the highest degree that can be attained in Freemasonry. This degree provides candidates with a thorough understanding of all aspects of Freemasonry including its history, philosophy, and symbols. It also serves to further strengthen bonds between members and promote fellowship within the fraternity.

All three degrees are essential to achieving a full understanding of Freemasonry and its teachings. By completing each degree, a member gains greater insight into Masonic principles and develops deeper relationships with fellow members within his lodge.

Last Thoughts

Freemasonry is a unique brotherhood that has been around for centuries. It is a fraternity that promotes self-improvement, charitable giving, and fellowship among its members. It has inspired generations of men to strive for excellence in all aspects of life and to make the world a better place. Freemasonry is a way of life, one that encourages us to be better people, to help others, and to leave the world in a better place than we found it. Freemasonry is about more than just secrets – it is about giving back and making a difference in our communities. Freemasons should be proud of their membership and strive to live up to the high standards that have been set by their predecessors.

Freemasonry can be seen as a path toward personal growth. Through its teachings we can learn about self-improvement, moral and ethical values, as well as the importance of brotherly love and charity. By joining this ancient order we can become part of something bigger than ourselves; something that transcends time and space. Freemasonry has the power to unite men from different backgrounds in pursuit of common goals; goals such as helping each other grow spiritually, becoming better citizens, and creating a society based on justice, equality, and mutual respect.

In reflection, Freemasonry means much more than just secrets – it stands for brotherhood, charity, and self-improvement. It provides us with an opportunity to make a real difference in our lives and in the lives of others. We can use this knowledge to become better people; people who are willing to give back and who are committed to making the world a better place for everyone.

Esoteric Masons is part of USA Freemasonry.

Esoteric Masons