Top 10 Freemason Uk

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most respected fraternal organisations in the world. It has a long and rich history in the United Kingdom, with lodges having been active since at least the 18th century. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most prominent Freemason lodges in the UK, as well as some interesting facts about them. We will also discuss some of the more famous Freemasons who have belonged to them. Hopefully, this article will give you a better understanding of Freemasonry and its place in British society.1. Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 – London
2. United Grand Lodge of England – London
3. Lodge of Friendship No. 6476 – London
4. Lodge of Emulation No. 8 – London
5. Phoenix Lodge No. 257 – Birmingham
6. St Lawrence of Brindisi Lodge No. 9241 – Liverpool
7. Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge No 4 – Bristol
8. Esoteric Masons; Congleton

Step 1: Find a Lodge

The first step in becoming a Freemason in the UK is to find a Lodge that is close to your home. This can be done through the United Grand Lodge of England website, which lists all Lodges in England, Wales and Scotland. Once you have located a local Lodge, contact them directly to see if they are able to accept new members. Alternatively, you can contact the Provincial or District Grand Lodge in your area for more information.

Step 2: Obtain an Application Form

Once you have contacted the Lodge and been accepted as a prospective member, you will be asked to fill out an application form. This form will include details about yourself such as your name, address and occupation. You will also need to provide two references from existing Freemasons who can vouch for your character and suitability for membership.

Step 3: Attend an Interview

Once the application form has been received by the Lodge, you will be invited to attend an interview with two or three senior members of the Lodge. This interview will give you an opportunity to discuss why you wish to become a Freemason and ask any questions that you may have about Freemasonry and its traditions.

Step 4: Attend the Initiation Ceremony

Once your application has been approved by the Lodge, you will be invited to attend an initiation ceremony at which time you will officially become a Freemason. This ceremony involves taking three symbolic oaths which bind you into Masonic fellowship with all other Masons in the world. Following this ceremony, you must pay an initiation fee which varies from one lodge to another but is usually around £50-£100 ($65-$130).

Step 5: Get Involved

As a new member of a Masonic Lodge it is important that you get involved in Masonic activities such as charitable work, learning about masonic rituals and attending meetings and social events at your lodge or other lodges around the country. By doing this, not only will you learn more about Freemasonry but also make contacts and friends within the fraternity who can help support and guide your progress as a Mason over time.

Prevalence of Freemasonry in the UK Today

Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that has been a part of the UK society for centuries. Despite its long history, it remains a popular and influential organisation today. Freemasonry has been estimated to have more than 200,000 members in the UK, with lodges in most major towns and cities. The organisation is highly secretive, and many members choose to keep their membership private.

At the core of Freemasonry are its rituals and ceremonies which have remained largely unchanged since its inception several hundred years ago. These rituals involve oaths of secrecy, symbolic gestures, and other elements that may be seen as mysterious or arcane by outsiders. Freemasonry is also known for its philanthropy and charitable works, which are often conducted in conjunction with local organisations or charities.

The influence of Freemasonry on UK society is difficult to measure accurately due to its secretive nature. However, there is evidence that it plays an important role in the community at large. For example, many local councils have freemason representatives who may be consulted on matters of public policy or other matters related to their jurisdiction. In addition, freemasons are often active in local charities or other community initiatives such as food banks or soup kitchens.

Overall, Freemasonry remains a popular organisation in the UK today, with an estimated 200,000 members across the country. Its influence can be seen in many aspects of British life, from local government to charitable works and community initiatives. Despite its secrecy, there are many opportunities for non-members to learn more about Freemasonry and its history through public events or visiting lodge meetings.

History of Freemasonry in the UK

The history of Freemasonry in the UK dates back to the early 1700s. It began as a fraternal organisation for men who shared similar beliefs and ideals. The first Grand Lodge was established in England in 1717, and since then, Freemasonry has spread throughout the UK and beyond. The main purpose of Freemasonry is to promote a sense of brotherhood among its members and to provide charitable works for those in need.

In addition to these traditional Masonic systems, there are also several other organisations that are related to Freemasonry, including The Order of the Eastern Star (OES), The Order of DeMolay (ODM), and The Order of Amaranth (OA). Each organisation has its own distinct set of beliefs and practices, but they all remain true to the core values of Freemasonry – brotherhood, charity, service to others, and self-improvement.

Today, there are still many Masonic lodges throughout the UK which continue to provide an important service for their members and the community at large. For those interested in joining a lodge or learning more about Freemasonry in general, there are plenty of resources available online as well as within local lodges themselves.

Symbols & Rituals

Freemasons use various symbols throughout their rituals which represent different aspects of their beliefs. These symbols often appear on their regalia or banners during processions or meetings. Common Masonic symbols include squares and compasses, suns and moons, stars and triangles, pillars or columns, swords or scepters, keys or locks, lambs or rams’ heads, bells or horns – all representing various aspects of life such as faithfulness or loyalty.

The rituals performed by Masons also contain various symbolic gestures which signify certain concepts such as friendship or truthfulness. These rituals often involve raising hands towards heaven while reciting prayers or oaths in order to represent a commitment made by each individual member towards his fellow Masons and God himself.

Philanthropy & Charitable Works

Freemasons have always been committed to providing charitable works throughout the UK for those less fortunate than themselves. This includes providing financial aid for those who need it most as well as offering educational opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many Masons also volunteer their time working with local charities such as soup kitchens or homeless shelters in order to provide assistance where it is most needed.

In addition to this philanthropic work undertaken by individual Masons across the country, each Masonic system also has its own official charity which is dedicated solely towards helping people who require assistance either financially or emotionally. This charity is funded through donations from members within each system and provides much needed support for those who need it most.

Famous Freemasons in British History

The Freemasons are one of the oldest and most well-known fraternal societies in the world. In Britain, they have been an integral part of society since the 17th century, and have been responsible for many of the country’s most iconic creations. Many famous people throughout British history have been Freemasons, including some of the most influential figures in British politics, science, and culture. Here are some of the most famous Freemasons in British history:

Sir Winston Churchill was a Freemason who served as Prime Minister during World War II. He was initiated into Royal Alpha Lodge No 16 in London in 1901. His Masonic membership was seen as a way to help him gain influence within government circles.

The Duke of Wellington is another famous Freemason who is remembered for his decisive victory at Waterloo against Napoleon. He became an initiate into the Apollo University Lodge at Oxford in 1809.

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist who developed his theory of evolution by natural selection. He became a member of Ragged Staff Lodge No 197 in 1868 after being encouraged by fellow scientists to join the order for its charitable works and academic pursuits.

Joseph Banks was an English naturalist who joined The Lodge of Antiquity No 2 in London in 1770 shortly after he returned from his voyage on board HMS Endeavour with Captain James Cook. He went on to become President of the Royal Society, helping to promote science throughout Britain during his lifetime.

William Blake was a poet and artist whose work has had a lasting impact on British culture and literature. He joined The Lodge of Ancient Britons No 2 (now called Albion Lodge) in London in 1790 and often drew inspiration from Masonic symbolism for his artworks.

These are just some examples of famous Freemasons who have played an important role in British history over the years. Their contributions have helped shape our culture, politics, science, and literature, making them unforgettable figures that will be remembered for generations to come.

What Does Being a Freemason Mean to UK Members?

Being a Freemason in the UK has long been associated with a sense of pride and community. It is more than just a fraternity, it is a way of life for many members. Freemasonry offers its members a unique set of values and principles which they strive to uphold and promote within their everyday lives. The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, morality, charity and respect for others.

The Freemasons of the United Kingdom are proud to be part of one of the oldest fraternal organisations in the world, with records dating back to 1717. They are dedicated to helping their fellow man through charitable works, such as supporting local communities, providing education opportunities for young people, and promoting good causes. As well as this, they provide fellowship and friendship amongst their members by hosting social events or organising trips away together.

Freemasonry also provides its members with an opportunity to grow spiritually. Through their involvement in Masonic rituals and ceremonies, as well as their study of ancient texts, members can gain insight into themselves and their place in the world around them. This can help them become better versions of themselves by adopting virtues such as honesty, integrity and charity.

In reflection, being a Freemason in the UK means being part of something much bigger than yourself – it is about being part of an organisation that has been working hard for centuries to make the world a better place. It is about honouring traditions while still adapting to modern times; it is about learning from history while looking forward to the future; it is about supporting your fellow man in whatever way you can; and lastly it is about striving for excellence in all areas of life – moral excellence, physical excellence and mental excellence.


The Freemasons is a fraternal organization that dates back centuries. The organization has been involved in numerous charitable projects throughout the UK, from building hospitals to providing aid to those in need. This article will provide an overview of some of the most prominent Masonic charities and projects in the UK.

Healthcare Charities

One of the most notable Masonic charities in the UK is The Masonic Charitable Foundation, which provides financial support to a range of healthcare charities. These include hospices, hospitals, cancer research organizations and medical institutions. The foundation also provides grants to individuals who are suffering from serious health conditions or disabilities.

Educational Projects

The Freemasons are also heavily involved in various educational projects throughout the UK. These include providing bursaries to students who are unable to afford university fees and scholarships for those studying at vocational schools. In addition, several Masonic lodges have established libraries and reading rooms which provide access to educational materials for both children and adults.

Community Outreach Programs

The Freemasons are also involved in various community outreach programs throughout the UK. These programs focus on providing assistance to members of society who may be struggling financially or socially disadvantaged. For example, some lodges have established soup kitchens and homeless shelters in their local areas.

Last Thoughts

In reflection, there are a number of charitable projects and initiatives that the Freemasons are involved with throughout the UK. From healthcare charities to educational projects and community outreach programs, these organisations provide invaluable assistance to those in need.

The Role of Women in Freemasonry in the UK

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most prominent fraternal organisations in the world, with a presence in the United Kingdom dating back centuries. It has long been a male-dominated institution however, with women having only been admitted to membership since the early 20th century. Despite this relatively recent development, women have come to play an increasingly important role in UK Freemasonry over recent years.

The first Masonic lodge for women was established by Maria Deraismes and Georges Martin in France in 1893. The first female Grand Master, Marie-Louise Postel-Vinay, was elected there shortly afterwards. In England, the first women’s Masonic lodge was founded by Edith Miller, Miriam van Linden and Annie Besant in 1902. This lodge was later recognised by United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as part of its own organisation in 1908.

Today, UGLE recognises two distinct orders that accept female members: The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons and Order of Women Freemasons (OWF). Both orders accept members from around the world, though there are some differences between them in terms of structure and initiation ceremonies. The OWF is more hierarchical than its male counterpart, with members divided into three degrees: Initiate, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. In contrast, The Honourable Fraternity does not use any titles or grades beyond that of Mason.

The roles open to women within UK Freemasonry are wide-ranging and varied. Many lodges have female officers such as Worshipful Masters (the senior officer within a lodge), Senior Wardens (the second highest office) and Junior Wardens (the third highest office). These officers are responsible for managing their respective lodges and ensuring that all members adhere to the rules and regulations set out by UGLE. Women can also be elected to various Grand Lodge offices such as Grand Secretary or Treasurer as well as sitting on committees such as Membership or Charities Committees.

In reflection, it can be seen that despite its long history of male domination, women have come to play an important role in UK Freemasonry over recent years; both within individual lodges and at higher levels within UGLE itself. This has provided more opportunities for women to take part in this ancient fraternal organisation while helping to ensure its continued relevance for generations to come.

Last Thoughts

The United Kingdom has a long and proud history of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an organisation that is often misunderstood, yet it has been a major part of British culture for centuries. The top 10 Freemason UK list provides an insight into some of the most influential and powerful figures in the British Masonic movement.

From the Grand Masters to the highest-ranking members, these individuals embody the spirit of Freemasonry and are dedicated to furthering its cause within the UK. Their dedication and commitment to Masonry have resulted in great advancements within the movement and continue to encourage others to follow their example.

Freemasonry is an organisation that continues to promote unity, charity, and brotherhood throughout the United Kingdom. Through its members, it continues to strive for excellence in all areas of life whilst providing support and guidance to others who join its ranks. The top 10 Freemason UK list shows us just how powerful this organisation can be in today’s society.

No matter what your beliefs may be about Freemasonry, it is undeniable that it serves as a great source of strength and unity for those who are part of it. Its members not only provide support for each other but also foster a sense of greater meaning in their lives. For those who wish to join this illustrious organisation or just learn more about it, the top 10 Freemason UK list provides a valuable insight into some of its most influential figures.

Your local lodge is your resource to understanding what is freemasonry?.

Esoteric Masons