What Is Chinese Freemasons

Chinese Freemasons is an international fraternal organization founded in the late 19th century. The organization has a long history and is active in many countries around the world. It is based on the principles of Brotherhood, Relief, and Truth, and its aim is to promote welfare and charity among its members. Chinese Freemasons also strive to promote mutual understanding between Chinese people and other cultures. They are also committed to promoting the cultural heritage of China. Chinese Freemasons is an organization of Chinese people that was established in the late 19th century. It is associated with an ideology of mutual aid, self-improvement, and cooperation among its members. Its main goal is to build a better society through education and the promotion of civic virtues. Its members are committed to the principles of loyalty, integrity, and charity, which form the basis of their work. The organization also works to promote Chinese culture and customs by sponsoring events and activities such as sporting events, lectures, and seminars. Additionally, Chinese Freemasons provide financial assistance to its members in times of need.

History of Chinese Freemasons

The history of Chinese Freemasonry dates back to the early 19th century, when a group of British and American merchants in Canton (Guangdong) founded the initial lodge. This was followed by lodges in Shanghai, Tianjin, and other cities in China. The first Grand Lodge of China was formed in Shanghai in 1876, and it was established under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England. By 1910, there were over 1,000 Freemasons in China.

Chinese Freemasonry has had a long and varied history. During its early years, it served as an important social network for foreign businessmen living in China. However, it also had a religious mission: to spread Freemasonry’s ideals of brotherly love, truth, and charity throughout the country. This mission was largely successful; by the 1930s there were an estimated 40,000 members across China.

Freemasonry also played an important role during some of the most tumultuous periods in Chinese history. For instance, during World War II a number of lodges were formed to support Chinese troops fighting against Japanese forces. Similarly, during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), many lodges provided shelter and comfort to persecuted intellectuals and political dissidents.

Today there are still several Masonic lodges in mainland China that are active and growing. They are largely concentrated in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai but can also be found throughout smaller cities across the country. As Freemasonry continues to gain popularity among younger generations of Chinese people, its future looks bright indeed!

Origin of Chinese Freemasons

The origin of Chinese Freemasonry dates back to the 17th century, when the first Masonic lodge was established in Macau in 1688. This lodge was established by members of the Dutch East India Company who had traveled to China. It is believed that this lodge was a precursor to modern-day Freemasonry, as it had similar rituals and beliefs.

The first Chinese Masonic lodge was established in 1776 in Canton, China, and was known as the “Order of the Knights of St John”. This lodge was founded by a group of British merchants and military personnel stationed in Canton at the time. The purpose of this lodge was to promote social interaction among its members through meetings and other activities.

The popularity of Chinese Freemasonry spread throughout China during the 19th century, with lodges being established in many cities throughout the country. These lodges were often quite exclusive, with membership mainly comprising of upper-class individuals such as merchants and military personnel.

Freemasonry also began to spread throughout Asia during this period, with lodges being founded in Japan, India, Burma and Singapore. In some cases, these lodges were affiliated with existing lodges in China or Europe, while others were independent entities.

Today, there are a number of active Chinese Freemason lodges around the world, including those located in China itself as well as countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. These lodges still maintain many of their traditional beliefs and practices while also adapting to meet modern demands.

Chinese Freemasons

Chinese Freemasonry, also known as the Chinese Order of International Co-Freemasonry, is a fraternal organization that originated in China in the late 19th century. It is based on the traditional beliefs and practices of Freemasonry, but it also incorporates elements from Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Chinese Freemasons are committed to promoting moral values, charity work, and self-improvement. They also strive to foster a sense of community among its members.


Chinese Freemasons believe in the fundamental principles of Freemasonry such as brotherly love, relief, truth and charity. They also emphasize the importance of morality and respect for authority. Furthermore, they believe that all human beings are equal and should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their social standing or religious beliefs. Chinese Freemasons also share a common goal of achieving spiritual enlightenment through self-improvement and service to humanity.


Chinese Freemasons observe certain rituals which involve symbolic objects such as swords, candles, flowers, incense sticks and other items associated with Taoist or Buddhist symbolism. These rituals involve reciting passages from ancient scriptures such as the Tao Te Ching or The Four Books of Confucius which are believed to bring good fortune. Other rituals involve meditation and contemplation which are intended to help members achieve inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. The Lodges also hold regular meetings where members can discuss current events or other topics related to freemasonry.


The main symbol used by Chinese Freemasons is the Ying-Yang symbol which represents balance in life. This symbol has been adopted by many different cultures around the world due to its universal message of balance between opposing forces within ourselves or between ourselves and other people or things in our environment. Other symbols used by Chinese Freemasons include dragons representing strength and wisdom; lions representing courage; cranes representing longevity; dragons’ heads representing protection; lotus flowers representing purity; phoenixes representing rebirth; tigers representing ferocity; stars representing guidance; bamboo shoots representing resilience; carp fishes representing success; incense sticks representing meditation; swords representing justice; and candles symbolizing hope for a better future.

Structure and Organization of Chinese Freemasons

The structure and organization of Chinese Freemasons are complex and often misunderstood. The first level of organization is the local lodge, which is composed of a group of members who meet regularly to practice the principles of Freemasonry. From these lodges, larger regional organizations are formed, such as Grand Lodges, which oversee the activities of all lodges within their jurisdiction. These Grand Lodges are then part of even larger Masonic organizations, such as the United Grand Lodge of China (UGLC). The UGLC acts as the governing body for all Chinese Freemasonry, and is responsible for issuing charters to new lodges, approving changes to existing lodges, and maintaining order among its members.

At each level in the structure, there are a variety of officers who oversee the activities and ensure that rules are being followed. In addition to these officers, there are various committees appointed by the Grand Master or other senior leaders. These committees work together to ensure that Masonic teachings and principles are being adhered to.

In addition to this hierarchical structure, there is also a system of degrees within Chinese Freemasonry that signify different levels of knowledge or accomplishments within the fraternity. Each degree has its own set of symbols and rituals that must be followed in order to progress through them. Generally speaking, these degrees start at Entered Apprentice and go up through Fellow Craftsman before reaching Master Mason status.

Therefore, Chinese Freemasonry also has an extensive set of rituals which must be performed during meetings or other events. Many lodges have their own unique traditions which have been passed down over generations; however some basic elements remain constant across all lodges in China such as opening and closing ceremonies as well as traditional handshakes and passwords which serve as methods for recognizing fellow Masons.

Overall, Chinese Freemasonry is a complex yet fascinating organization with a deep history stretching back centuries. Despite its complexity it remains an important part of many lives today as people come together to practice its teachings while honoring their ancestors who paved the way for them centuries ago.

Membership in Chinese Freemasons

Chinese Freemasonry is an organization that has been around for centuries. It is a society of like-minded individuals who share a common goal of promoting peace and harmony among its members. Membership in the organization is open to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or social status. The organization has its own rituals, symbols, and philosophies which are designed to bring together its members in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. Chinese Freemasonry provides an opportunity for individuals to come together and share their knowledge and experiences with each other. It also provides a safe place for members to discuss ideas, debate issues, and work together on projects. In addition to providing a social outlet for its members, Chinese Freemasonry also works to promote charitable activities in the community and around the world. Membership in Chinese Freemasonry is open to all who have an interest in learning more about the organization and its ideals.

Chinese Freemasons and their Symbols

The Chinese Freemasons are a fraternal organization that was founded in 17th century China. They are known for their use of symbols and signs to represent their beliefs and ideals. The symbols used by the Chinese Freemasons have a variety of meanings, from representing the unity of mankind to serving as a reminder of the organization’s goals and values. The most well-known symbol used by Chinese Freemasons is the five-pointed star, which is also known as a pentagram or pentacle. This star is said to represent the five elements of life: earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. Additionally, it is also believed to represent the unity of all mankind. Other symbols used by Chinese Freemasons include the yin-yang symbol, which is meant to represent balance and harmony; the dragon symbol, which is seen as a symbol of strength; and the lotus flower symbol, which represents purity and enlightenment.

Significance of Chinese Freemason Symbols

The symbols used by Chinese Freemasons have both philosophical and practical significance. Philosophically, these symbols serve as reminders of important values such as brotherhood, unity, justice, truthfulness, loyalty, courage, charity and humility. Practically speaking, these symbols can be seen as visual representations of moral lessons or teachings that can be used to guide one’s life choices. Furthermore, these symbols can be seen as reminders that one should strive for excellence in all facets of life. Additionally, they serve as visual reminders to practice good deeds in order to create harmony in society. In short, these symbols are meant to remind people that they should strive for unity and harmony among all people regardless of race or religion.

In reflection, it is clear that Chinese Freemasons use a variety of symbols with deep philosophical meaning that serve both practical and philosophical purposes. These symbols are meant to remind people not only how they should behave but also how they should strive for excellence in all aspects of life in order to bring about peace and harmony among all people regardless of race or religion.

The Role of Chinese Freemasons in Society

The Chinese Freemasons are an important part of Chinese society, and have been for centuries. They are a secret society that is dedicated to the advancement of the Chinese people through education, philanthropy, and service. The Chinese Freemasons have always been closely tied to the government, and they have had a major influence over many aspects of life in China. They have also played an important role in helping to shape the culture and values of the Chinese people.

The main goal of the Chinese Freemasons is to promote knowledge and learning among their members, as well as to help foster unity and cooperation among all members. The organization also works to promote social justice and equality for all members of society. Through their charitable work, they help promote education, health care, and other services that benefit those in need.

The Chinese Freemasons are also very involved in political activities. They often work with politicians to help further their goals for social justice and equality for all citizens. They also often advocate for laws that protect civil liberties and rights for all citizens of China.

In addition to their political activities, the Chinese Freemasons also support cultural activities such as art exhibitions, musical performances, lectures, seminars, and other events that showcase the culture of China. Through these activities they strive to bring people together from different backgrounds in order to foster understanding between different cultures.

Overall, the role of the Chinese Freemasons in society is an important one that should not be overlooked or underestimated. They serve as a powerful force for good within China by promoting knowledge and learning among its members as well as advocating for social justice and equality for all citizens. This makes them a key player in helping shape modern day China into a vibrant nation with strong values and culture.

Last Thoughts

The Chinese Freemasons is a unique and complex organization that has been a part of the history and culture of China for centuries. Their rituals, ceremonies, and beliefs are not well understood by outsiders, yet they remain an integral part of Chinese society. The organization has been involved in numerous charitable activities over time, including providing medical care to the poor and helping the needy. Despite their secretive nature, the Chinese Freemasons continue to have a strong presence in modern China. They are an important part of Chinese heritage and culture, and their influence continues to be felt around the world.

The Chinese Freemasons have been a source of mystery for many people, but it is clear that their history and traditions are rich and varied. Whether one admires them or not, it is undeniable that this ancient society has had an immense impact on China’s past and present.

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3 thoughts on “What Is Chinese Freemasons”

  1. Chinese Freemasonry has had a long and varied history. During its early years, it served as an important social network for foreign businessmen living in China. However, it also had a religious mission: to spread Freemasonry’s ideals of brotherly love, truth, and charity throughout the country. This mission was largely successful; by the 1930s there were an estimated 40,000 members across China.

  2. At each level in the structure, there are a variety of officers who oversee the activities and ensure that rules are being followed. In addition to these officers, there are various committees appointed by the Grand Master or other senior leaders. These committees work together to ensure that Masonic teachings and principles are being adhered to.

  3. Today there are still several Masonic lodges in mainland China that are active and growing. They are largely concentrated in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai but can also be found throughout smaller cities across the country. As Freemasonry continues to gain popularity among younger generations of Chinese people, its future looks bright indeed!

    Origin of Chinese Freemasons

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