The Knights Templar Westmorland and Furness is an ancient and noble order of knights, established in the mid-thirteenth century with the mission of protecting pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. Over time, the organisation has become a symbol of courage and chivalry, renowned for their commitment to honour and justice. Today, the Knights Templar remain active in Westmorland and Furness, offering support to their local community through charitable works and activities. The Order is proud to maintain its traditional values while embracing modern technology and ideas, ensuring that it remains relevant in today’s ever-changing world. The Knights Templar Westmorland and Furness can trace their history back to the Middle Ages. The Order was established in 1244, when King Henry III granted a charter to the Knights Templar of Westmorland and Furness. This allowed them to use the lands within their jurisdiction for military purposes, including setting up fortified castles and garrisons. Over time, the Order grew in power and influence, eventually becoming one of the most powerful religious-military orders in England.
The Order’s primary purpose was to protect Christian pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem from attacks by Saracen pirates who were based in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, they were also charged with defending local populations against raiders from Scotland or Wales. They built several castles throughout what is now Westmorland and Furness, including Muncaster Castle (1208), Sizergh Castle (1230) and Brougham Castle (1260). These fortified structures helped keep the local population safe from invaders.
The Role of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness
The Knights Templar were a religious order of knights during the Middle Ages. They were founded in the 11th century and their primary purpose was to protect pilgrims and holy sites during their pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The order was based in Jerusalem until their dissolution in 1307, after which the surviving knights scattered across Europe. In England, some of these knights settled in Westmorland and Furness, where they established a presence and left their mark on the area’s culture and history.
The Knights Templar had a significant impact on Westmorland and Furness. One of their main contributions was the establishment of preceptories, which were essentially monasteries that housed members of the order. One such preceptory was located at Lowther, near Penrith, where it is believed that around 40 knights lived and worked for a period of time. Other preceptories are thought to have been established at Kendal, Orton, Heversham, Lazonby, Askham Fell, Kirkby-in-Furness and Dalton-in-Furness.
The Knights Templar also had a major influence on the local economy. They owned large amounts of land in Westmorland and Furness, which they used to generate income from farming or other forms of commerce. This income enabled them to build churches and monasteries throughout the area. These included St Mary’s Church at Kendal (now known as St Mary’s Chapel), St John’s Church at Dalton-in-Furness (now known as St John’s Church) and St Laurence’s Church near Orton (now known as St Laurence’s Chapel).
The Knights Templar also played an important role in defending Westmorland and Furness against invaders from Scotland or Ireland. Many castles were built by them throughout this region in order to provide protection against such attacks. Some examples include Brougham Castle near Penrith; Appleby Castle near Appleby; Kendal Castle near Kendal; Skelton Castle near Orton; Holme Castle near Heversham; Lowther Castle near Lazonby; Muncaster Castle near Askham Fell; and Uldale Castle near Kirkby-in-Furness.
Therefore, it is worth noting that many of these castles are still standing today despite being built hundreds of years ago by members of an order that no longer exists. This is testament to the remarkable legacy that the Knights Templar have left behind in Westmorland and Furness.
The Knights Templar Lands in Westmorland and Furness
The Knights Templar was an organisation of Christian warriors that originated in the 11th century. They were active throughout Europe until the mid-14th century, when they were disbanded by Pope Clement V. During this time, they acquired a significant amount of land in the Westmorland and Furness regions of England. This land was used to support their monastic activities and to help pay for military campaigns. It is estimated that the Knights Templar owned around 500 manors throughout England during this time.
The lands held by the Templars varied in size and type, ranging from small parcels of land to large estates. Much of this land was used for agriculture, such as sheep grazing and arable farming. The Templars also owned quarries, mines and mills, as well as forests for hunting. In some areas, they also had rights to fish in local rivers and streams.
The Knights Templar’s presence in Westmorland and Furness has left a lasting legacy on the region. Much of their land remains with its original owners or has been passed down through generations of families. There are also many sites that have been identified as being connected with the Templars, such as churches that were built by them or sites where they once held feasts or tournaments.
Today, the legacy of the Knights Templar lives on through archaeological studies and historical research into their role in medieval England. Their lands continue to provide an important part of the local economy and culture in both Westmorland and Furness.
The Knights Templar Symbolism in Westmorland and Furness
The Knights Templar was a religious military order that was founded during the time of the Crusades. The Order was active in England and Scotland, with strong symbolism particularly in Westmorland and Furness. The Order’s symbol, which is still seen today, is a red cross on a white background. This symbol can be seen on many buildings in the area, including churches and castles, as well as being used in coats of arms and crests.
The origin of the Knights Templar Symbolism in Westmorland and Furness dates back to the 12th century when they were active in the region. During this time they built several castles to protect their interests. These castles are now tourist attractions, with some still standing today, such as Brough Castle near Kirkby Lonsdale. These castles often feature symbols related to the Order, such as crosses or swords.
The presence of the Knights Templar Symbolism in Westmorland and Furness is also evident in various churches throughout the area. Many churches feature stained glass windows that depict scenes from their history or show symbols associated with them. In addition to this, many churches also have tombs or monuments dedicated to members of the Order that have passed away over the years. These tombs are often adorned with symbols related to their service such as crosses or swords.
Furthermore, many local families have coats of arms or crests that include symbols related to the Knights Templar Symbolism in Westmorland and Furness. These crests typically feature red crosses on a white background, which are directly derived from those used by members of the Order during its heyday. Some families also have crests that feature swords crossed over a shield or other weapons associated with medieval warfare such as maces or spears.
Overall, it is clear to see that there are many examples of the Knights Templar Symbolism in Westmorland and Furness still visible today. From buildings to family crests, there are plenty of reminders of this important military order that played an important role during medieval times.
Overview of the Order of Knights Templar Westmorland and Furness
The Order of Knights Templar Westmorland and Furness is an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the history, culture and traditions of the ancient Order of Knights Templar. This order was founded in 1119 AD by nine French knights in Jerusalem, and has had a long and complex history. The modern-day order is based on the same ideals as its original founders, with members dedicated to helping others in need, protecting the weak, and defending Christian values. The Order of Knights Templar Westmorland and Furness is based in Carlisle, Cumbria, England.
The Order consists of three different levels or ranks—Initiate, Knight and Commander—each with its own set of duties for members to fulfil. Initiates are taught about the principles that underpin the order’s beliefs, while Knights are responsible for protecting their communities from threats both physical and spiritual. Commanders are responsible for leading each local chapter, as well as providing guidance to lower-ranking members.
In addition to its focus on charity work and defending Christian values, the Order also strives to create a strong sense of fellowship among its members through various activities such as fundraising events, social gatherings and educational programmes. Furthermore, members are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities such as archery tournaments and jousting competitions which help promote camaraderie among members.
Membership is open to all who believe in Christian values and wish to maintain them; however it is important that prospective applicants meet certain criteria before they can be accepted into the order. These include being at least 18 years old, having a clean criminal record, being physically fit enough for service duties if required by their rank or local chapter, possessing good moral character traits such as honesty and respectfulness towards others.
The Order also encourages its members to regularly attend religious services at local churches or chapels affiliated with it; this helps ensure that their beliefs remain strong throughout their time within the organization. In addition to this, they also promote education amongst its members through various lectures on topics related to history or religion; this provides an opportunity for deeper learning about their faith.
Early Development of the Order of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness
The Order of Knights Templar was a military and religious organization that was founded during the 12th century in Jerusalem. It was originally created to protect and defend Christian pilgrims on their journeys to the Holy Land. The Templars quickly became a powerful force, with their presence spreading throughout Europe. The early development of the Order of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness began during the 12th century, when they were given land by King John I to build a castle. This castle served as an important stronghold for the protection of travelers, as well as a base from which the Templars could launch raids into Scotland.
The Templars also established churches in Westmorland and Furness, which served to spread the Christian faith among the local population. The knights also played an important role in protecting local communities from attacks by Scottish raiders, as well as by providing aid during times of famine or disease. In addition, they provided safe havens for those who were fleeing persecution or seeking refuge from war-torn lands.
The Order of Knights Templar was disbanded in 1312 by Pope Clement V after allegations of heresy were made against them. However, their legacy lives on in many parts of Westmorland and Furness today, including numerous churches and ruins that bear witness to their presence centuries ago. There are also many stories that have been passed down through generations about heroic deeds performed by members of this order during their time in this region. Today, their legacy is remembered with great respect and admiration by locals who are proud to be part of this rich history.
Significance of the Order of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness
The significance of the Order of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness is undeniable. The area was home to some of the earliest branches of the order, with several members travelling there from other parts of Europe, many settling permanently. The Templars held a strong presence in the area for centuries, with their influence stretching far beyond their own borders.
The Templars were a religious military order created to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem during the 11th century. They were renowned for their bravery and dedication to their cause, and soon they were seen as symbols of chivalry and honour throughout Europe. In Westmorland and Furness, they established several castles which served as strongholds during the Middle Ages. In addition, they built several monasteries and abbeys which provided spiritual guidance to local residents.
The influence of the Templars was widespread in Westmorland and Furness, from religion to politics. They had a great deal of influence on local government, providing law enforcement and protection for locals against bandits or other threats. In addition, they established an education system that helped spread knowledge throughout the region. They also encouraged trade by providing safe routes for merchants travelling between cities or countries.
In terms of religion, many local churches were dedicated to Saint George or Saint Michael – two saints who are closely associated with the Templars – while other churches have names related to Templar orders like ‘Saint Lawrence’ or ‘Saint John’s Church’. Furthermore, many churches still hold annual festivals celebrating Saint George’s Day and Saint Michael’s Day – two days that are associated with Templar activities in Westmorland and Furness.
The influence of the Order of Knights Templar in Westmorland and Furness is clear even today – from historical monuments that remain standing to churches that are still active today. It is clear that this group has left an indelible mark on this region – one that will be remembered for many generations to come.
How the Order of Knights Templar Changed Westmorland and Furness
The Order of Knights Templar was an influential organization in medieval Europe, with a strong presence in the region of Westmorland and Furness. The Templars were a powerful military, religious and economic force that brought about great change to the area. Their influence was felt in all aspects of life, from politics and religion to economics and culture.
The Templars had a significant impact on the local economy of Westmorland and Furness. Through their extensive network of trading routes, they enabled merchants to access new markets and bring new goods into the region. This allowed local farmers to sell their produce at better prices, leading to increased wealth for the area. They also established several monasteries which provided spiritual guidance as well as educational opportunities for locals.
The Templars also played an important role in defending Westmorland and Furness from attack by foreign powers. They constructed a number of defensive structures throughout the region, such as castles and fortifications, which helped protect it from potential invaders. Additionally, they provided military training for local soldiers who could then be called upon to protect the area if necessary.
The Order of Knights Templar also had a major influence on the culture and religion of Westmorland and Furness. They introduced a more structured form of Christianity to the region which allowed them to spread their religious teachings more effectively throughout it. Furthermore, they established several churches which served as centers for learning as well as places of worship for locals. This increased religious literacy among those living in the region, allowing them access to further education opportunities if they chose to pursue them.
Overall, it is clear that the Order of Knights Templar had a profound effect on Westmorland and Furness during medieval times. Through their many contributions to politics, economics, religion, culture and defense, they left an indelible mark on this area of England that can still be seen today.
Last Thoughts
The Knights Templar of Westmorland and Furness have a long and complex history that has endured many changes over the centuries. They have been a part of the region since at least the 12th century, when they were founded by Hugh de Morville. Throughout their history, they have been instrumental in defending the region against foreign invaders, as well as helping to promote peace and understanding between different communities. The Order has also had an impact on local culture, with their presence being felt in everything from music to architecture.
The Order has been able to survive throughout the years thanks to its attention to detail and commitment to its mission. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Templars of Westmorland and Furness remain dedicated to their principles and continue to serve their purpose. Their legacy will continue to live on for generations to come, ensuring that their legacy will never be forgotten.
In reflection, the Knights Templar of Westmorland and Furness are an important part of British history that have endured for centuries. Their dedication, determination and perseverance is an example for all of us to follow and learn from.
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