Knights Templar Antrim

The Knights Templar Antrim are a religious and charitable organisation founded in 1789 in Ireland. The organisation has its roots in the medieval military order of the same name. The Knights Templar Antrim is a voluntary, non-profit organisation that exists to promote and support Christian principles, values and beliefs. It is open to both men and women of any faith, creed or background. The organisation has a strong presence in Antrim, Northern Ireland where it is based, as well as having active chapters in other parts of the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. The Knights Templar Antrim stands for justice, charity and service to mankind – values that are still upheld to this day. The Knights Templar Antrim is a Masonic body that was chartered in 1818 by the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Lodge was named after the historical Knights Templar, a medieval military order of Christian knights who fought in the Crusades. The Order was active in Ireland from 1185 to 1312 and was part of an international network of monastic orders founded by French knights in Jerusalem. The Grand Lodge of Ireland granted a warrant to the Knights Templar Antrim in 1818, making it one of the oldest Masonic bodies in Ireland. The membership is open to any Master Mason, and the Lodge meets regularly for study and fellowship. Over time, the Order has become more involved with charity work, donating funds to local charities and providing assistance to Freemasons and their families who are facing financial hardship. The Order’s charitable works have enabled them to become an integral part of their local community.

Formation of the Knights Templar Antrim

The Order of the Knights Templar Antrim was formed in the 12th century as a Catholic military order. It was part of a larger organization, known as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, which was established in 1118 by nine French knights in Jerusalem. The Order had its headquarters in the city of Acre and its purpose was to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land from attack.

The Templars were renowned for their bravery and resourcefulness and they quickly became an important part of life in the Holy Land. They also developed a reputation as formidable warriors, regularly engaging in battle against Muslim forces. In 1147, they participated in the Second Crusade alongside other Christian forces, helping to recapture Edessa from Muslim rule.

The Templars also began to acquire land throughout Europe during this period and they soon became very wealthy. This wealth enabled them to build castles and other fortifications across Europe, creating a network that would help them spread their influence further afield.

In 1187, Acre fell to Saladin’s forces and many Templars were killed or taken prisoner. The remaining members scattered across Europe, aiming to rebuild their strength. One such group arrived in Ireland around 1190 and settled on lands granted by John de Courcy, who had recently conquered Antrim from the Irish Uí Néill clan.

The Templars established their headquarters at Templemoyle (now known as Ballyclare), just south of Belfast. Here they built a castle which served as both their base of operations and a place for pilgrim accommodation along one of Ireland’s most important pilgrimage routes – that leading to St Patrick’s Purgatory at Lough Derg in County Donegal.

The Templars remained based at Templemoyle until 1308 when Pope Clement V issued an edict dissolving all Templar orders worldwide following allegations that some members had acted inappropriately or blasphemed against God or Church teachings (which were later found not to be true). Despite this setback, Templar influence continued to be felt throughout Ireland for many years afterwards – particularly through their extensive land holdings which were eventually taken over by other orders such as the Knights Hospitaller after 1308.

Organization and Structure of the Knights Templar Antrim

The Knights Templar Antrim was a Christian military order established during the Middle Ages. The order was founded in 1118 by Hugh de Payens, a French knight, and nine other knights. The organization was comprised of several branches operating in different countries, with each branch having its own system of governance and hierarchy.

The Knights Templar Antrim had a hierarchical structure with three main ranks: Grand Master, Commander, and knight. The Grand Master was the supreme authority of the order, responsible for commanding and leading all of the knights. The Commander was responsible for managing the daily operations and activities of the order in his jurisdiction. The Knights were responsible for carrying out their duties as dictated by their superiors.

The organization was divided into four main divisions: the Grand Maistrerie or Grand Mastership, which represented the authority of the Order; the Preceptory or Commanderies, which were responsible for administering local groups; and two other divisions known as Tongues or Chapters. Each division had its own set of rules and regulations governing its operations.

Each chapter was composed of several members who answered to their respective Commanders or Preceptors. In addition to this, each chapter also had its own council that met regularly to make decisions about various matters concerning the Order.

The Knights Templar Antrim also had a number of religious ceremonies that it conducted on special occasions such as baptisms, marriage ceremonies, funerals, etc., as well as religious services to commemorate certain events or occasions associated with the Order’s history or beliefs.

Aside from its hierarchical structure, there were also several other aspects that set this military order apart from other Christian orders including its strict code of conduct which all members were required to adhere to; its commitment to charity work; and its dedication to protecting pilgrims who visited Jerusalem during times when it was under Muslim rule.

History of the Knights Templar Antrim

The Knights Templar Antrim is a fraternal organization dedicated to supporting the ideals and principles of chivalry. The group was founded in 1818 by Sir William Temple, a former British Army officer who had served in the Napoleonic Wars. The organization’s motto is “Truth, Honor, and Courage”. The Knights Templar Antrim is comprised of members from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, business owners, and other professionals. Members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of conduct and are encouraged to participate in charitable works and community service. In addition to providing moral support and guidance to its members, the Knights Templar Antrim also provides financial support for those in need.

Membership Requirements

In order to be eligible for membership in the Knights Templar Antrim, individuals must be 18 years old or older and have a good moral character. Additionally, they must have an interest in history or chivalry and demonstrate a commitment to helping others. Membership is open to both men and women who meet these criteria. Once accepted into the group, members are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the organization. They must also pay annual dues in order to remain active members of the organization.


The Knights Templar Antrim hosts a variety of activities aimed at promoting its ideals and principles. These include lectures on topics related to history or chivalry; field trips; social gatherings; fundraising; volunteer work; picnics; sporting events; dinners; parades; shows; plays; concerts; public speaking engagements; conferences; seminars; seminars on leadership development or personal development courses. Additionally, members are encouraged to take part in charitable works such as providing food or clothing for those less fortunate.

Benefits of Membership

Membership in the Knights Templar Antrim provides many benefits for its members. These include access to exclusive events and activities that promote camaraderie among its members as well as an opportunity for personal growth through educational programs and leadership development courses. Additionally, membership offers discounts on products from selected vendors as well as travel opportunities for those who wish to explore other countries or cultures.

Early Activities of the Knights Templar Antrim

The Knights Templar Antrim were established in the late 12th century, and quickly became one of the most influential orders of knights in Europe. They were well known for their bravery, loyalty and commitment to defending Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. While their main purpose was to protect pilgrims, they also carried out a variety of other activities in order to support their cause.

First and foremost, the Knights Templar Antrim were responsible for building a number of castles throughout Britain and Ireland. These castles provided protection for pilgrims travelling through the area as well as a base of operations for the order itself. The most famous castle built by the Knights Templar was Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim, which was completed in 1177.

The Knights Templar also took part in a number of military campaigns throughout Europe in order to protect Christian interests. They fought alongside King Richard I during his conquest of Cyprus, and participated in many battles during the Third Crusade. In addition to defending Christian interests, they also engaged in various forms of commerce, such as trading goods between Europe and Asia Minor or transporting goods across Europe.

In addition to these activities, the Templars also played an important role in providing aid and assistance to those less fortunate than themselves. They set up hospitals throughout Britain and Ireland and used their wealth to provide food, clothing and medical supplies to those who needed it most.

The Knights Templar Antrim were ultimately disbanded by King Philip IV of France at the beginning of the 14th century due to accusations that they had strayed from their original purpose. However, their legacy still lives on today through many organizations that have adopted their values and principles.

The Influence and Contributions of the Knights Templar Antrim

The Knights Templar Antrim were a religious military order formed during the 12th century in Antrim, Ireland, and their influence and contributions to the area remain evident today. The Order was established to protect Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land, but their reach extended far beyond this original purpose. They were a powerful spiritual and military force who had considerable political influence over the region during their rule.

The Order was established in 1185 following the death of King Henry II of England and was led by Hugh de Lacy, Earl of Ulster. The Order took control of large tracts of land in Antrim which provided them with income through rents paid by tenants. This allowed them to build churches and other religious structures as well as fortifications for protection during times of conflict. They also established a number of monasteries throughout the region which served as centres for learning and worship.

The Knights Templar Antrim are remembered for their significant contributions to architecture and art in the area. They built churches such as St Patrick’s Church in Kiltamagh, St Mary’s Church in Carrickfergus, and St John’s Church in Belfast. These churches are still standing today, providing evidence of both the power and influence wielded by the Order at that time. The Knights also created several pieces of artwork including stained glass windows, stone carvings and frescoes which can be found in many local churches.

The Order’s influence extended beyond its religious activities into other areas such as trade and economics. They encouraged trade with Europe by facilitating travel across their lands, while also engaging in commerce themselves through trading ships that travelled between Ireland and Europe. The Order was also involved in establishing banks which allowed them to lend money at interest rates that were lower than those offered by local banks, thus allowing more people access to finance than would have otherwise been possible.

The Knights Templar Antrim played an important role in Irish history both during their time as an active order and after they disbanded in 1307 due to papal pressure from Rome. Their legacy has left an indelible mark on Irish culture with many of their architectural works still standing today as monuments to both their power and influence throughout the region during this period in history.


Antrim is one of the most important locations associated with the Knights Templar, an international order of Christian warriors founded during the Crusades. The Knights Templar established a base at Antrim Castle, which was built in 1213 and served as their headquarters in Ireland. During this time, Antrim was a major center of commerce and trade, with the Templars controlling much of the area’s economy. The castle was eventually destroyed by the English in 1641, but its remains still stand today as a reminder of the Templars’ presence in Ireland. In addition to Antrim Castle, there are several other sites associated with the Knights Templar in Antrim. The nearby town of Ballyclare is home to the ruins of a medieval church that was once part of a Templar commandery. Further south is Greyabbey, where a 12th-century monastery was established by the Templars. Therefore, Carrickfergus Castle is one of the most famous sites associated with the Knights Templar, as it served as their northern headquarters in Ireland and witnessed many battles between them and their enemies.

The Impact of the Templars in Antrim

The Knights Templar had a lasting impact on the people and land of Antrim, Ireland. The Order was founded in 1119 in Jerusalem and its members were Christian knights who were tasked with protecting pilgrims who traveled to the Holy Land. In 1128, the Templars arrived in Antrim and built a Preceptory at Ballykinler, near Carrickfergus. This Preceptory served as a base for operations in Ireland, as well as for the training of new knights. Over time, the Templars began to acquire land and property throughout Antrim, building churches and other buildings to serve their needs. By 1248, they had become one of the largest landowners in Ireland.

Templar Legacy

The Templars left an indelible mark on Antrim that is still visible today. Many of their buildings remain standing, including churches and towers that still serve as landmarks. In addition, there are several sites that are associated with Templar history in Antrim, such as Carrickfergus Castle which was originally built by the Order. The legacies of the Templars can also be seen in local culture and traditions such as festivals that celebrate their memory or place-names which incorporate words from their language. The Knights Templar have left an enduring legacy on Antrim that will continue to shape its people and landscape for years to come.

Last Thoughts

The Knights Templar Antrim are a fascinating group of people who have a long and complex history. They are an organization with strong ties to the Catholic Church and have had various roles in the past, from protecting pilgrims to fighting against heresy. Today, they remain a powerful presence in Ireland and continue to play an important role in preserving Irish culture and heritage. Through their service to society, they continue to be an example of dedication and commitment to justice and faith.

The Knights Templar Antrim represent a rich part of Irish history that is still relevant today. Their mission is one of service, dedication, and faith – values that are still held dear by many people today. Whether you are looking for spiritual guidance or simply want to learn more about the Knights Templar Antrim, there is much to be gained from studying their history and traditions.

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